t h i r t e e n

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"another victim, identified as jung ji-eun, has been murdered last night. the suspect is in fact kim taehyung, killer of women, after the pattern of a sun carved into the female, aged 23' , was found on her arm. officials are still looking out for the killer who has been on the run for a week now" , the reporter spoke in front of the tv.

he had killed someone else.

he was getting away with it all because everyone thought taehyung was guilty.

the tv went black as you turned it off, resting your head in your hands.

"y/n !!! can you help me wash the clothes ?!" , taehyung yelled from the other side of the house.

you didn't know if you should tell him, but to be honest, you didn't want any more trouble.

if only you knew what was ahead.

"yea, i'm coming !!!"



"we had no idea he was housing in our shed, how would we have known ? i deny all accusations of housing a criminal, and that's final" , i argued.

fucking hell taehyung, you really did it this time.

i was thinking about how i would get pay back until i looked at the tv, another victim being recognized.

he was in some shit.

deep shit.

i had been friends with taehyung since grade 7. i watched him grow and then slowly fall apart. i watched the bruises reappear and fade. he was my bestfriend. i would do anything for him.

his dad was abusive towards his mother, him trying to defend her only to get pushed to the ground and get kicked in the ribs.

he grew to not care about anyone, but i saw how hard he had to try. it's because it wasn't natural. it wasn't him.

he would sleep with girls, girl who wanted more, only to break their hearts. every girl, he only used for a distraction. a distraction from the fact that his mother was sick.

she would receive chemo treatments in the house which caused him to never want to be home. he would always come over to my house, eyes red and puffy, using he had bad allergies as an excuse.

and then she passed, and that's when he fell off the wagon. the bags under his eyes got heavier and he turned to drugs ; alcohol. his breath always reeked of rum and he became aggressive. he became so aggressive that he hit jimin, knocking him out in one punch. he felt so guilty after that that he didn't come back, and one day he was being thrown into the asylum, labeled as the country's most high profile serial killer.

the killer of women.

it all happened so fast.

"i hereby declare jeon jungkook, min yoongi, kim seokjin, kim namjoon, and park jimin innocent and unaware of the housing of kim taehyung. you may be dismissed."

i sighed out a breath of relief until i began to think about taehyung again.

where was he ?

was he okay ?

jimin wiped his tears with his sleeve before we all stood up and walked out of the court.

god damnit.



"taehyung..." , you began nervously, fiddling with your fingers.

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