Chapter 7 (edited)

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Dear Emily,

Me and Sabrina want by your grave, some one left flowers I think it was Maya Also Maya isn't really dead, that makes me wonder if you were still alive you would go back for her and just leave me behind. Aria Spence and Han want to write to you to so I'm gonna hand it over to them. Remember I love you so much.
-Ali ❤️

Dear em,

It's Spencer I Miss you so much. I love you Emily. So I'm pregnant, yeah it's a boy me and Toby are so exited Han is already spoiling him, if we had a girl we were gonna name her Emily. I love you
- Spence

Dear Em,

It's Toby I miss you, you were the only one that ever trusted me, people never looked at me the same way you did. You probably heard me and Spencer are having a baby we don't know a name yet but he's coming any minute now.
- Toby

Hey em ,

It's Hanna I miss you and love you so much. Me and Caleb are having a baby girl named Emily. We're naming her after you i love you I know Caleb and Toby won't Amit it but they also do. We all miss you so much. We can't even think about you without bursting into tears,especially since me Spencer, and Sabrina are all pregnant. Bye I love you
- Han

Dear Emily,

It's Caleb, i miss you. We were so close even if you were obsessed with Christmas and I wasn't, me and Han are naming our baby after you.
I miss you
               - Caleb

Hey Emily

It's aria and Ezra. We both miss you, and we decided to write to you together. Alison is coming over later to read you the letters that were all writing. I love you and miss you. We love you so much Emily. We miss you to, I would do anything to just pause and go back again just to see you because we love you so so much. All of us will never be the same without you.
Aria and Ezra

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