Chapter 34: total war

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(Y) POV 

Me and Akiyama managed to get to theater square 

We looked around that average citizens running around fighting the Futoshi Family 

I looked to the side seeing Haruki throwing people off him

He looked over at me as he charged at me and Akiyama 

We jumped out of the way as I noticed something was wrong with his eyes

He was moving like some monster trying to hit me and Akiyama 

He went to kick him as he grabbed his leg the thrown him onto me

We both got up as he leaped at us missing

He continued to try and hit us missing

I slid under his attack hitting his stomach as he didn't flinch 

Akiyama rushed forward as he kicked his head not having him flinch

(Y): what the hell? Last time I fought him he wasn't this strong.

Akiyama: huh, maybe we'll find a exploit in the fight.

We rushed forward as we continued punching him as some pills fell out of his pocket

Akiyama: (Y), keep him busy. I'll look at what he dropped.

He rushed off as I grabbed Haruki by the shirt pulling him into a punch

It felt like his face was made of concrete 

He thrown me by a pole 

I jumped onto my feet as he lunged at me missing the second attack

I saw his attacks become more slower as he went to his pocket looking for the pills

I took my chance to punch him making him fall down

Akiyama looked up seeing that he was down

Akiyama: dude, this may be drugs.

He rushed forward as Haruki tried to grab the drugs

He thrown them as he tried to get the drugs as I kicked him away from the drugs

As me and Akiyama ran to get him ten of his men blocked us

He took some drugs as he begun screaming 

Everyone looked as he begun falling onto his knees 

His eyes rolled back as he fell onto his back having some seizure 

He finally stopped dying on the ground

Akiyama: the fuck just happened?

(Y): overdose I think, what a way to go.

We walked up grabbing the container seeing it was some custom pills

Akiyama: I'll take these to the police. 

He picked up the container walking off

(Y): I'll head back to see Yumi.

I turned around running off

To be continued

(Path of the Dragon) Senran Kagura X Yakuza Male Reader (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now