The Options

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I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing and I looked over at my digital clock, seeing it was past noon. My eyes widened as I realized it was probably Mr. Ambrose at the door, quickly getting out of bed, which was a mistake. Pain shot up in my stomach from the bruises, causing me to groan. My head pounded from getting up too quick, my vision growing black for a few seconds before regaining my vision.

"Seth, Mr. Ambrose is here!" Roman called.

I sighed and walked to my closet, opening the door and looking in the mirror at myself. I was only wearing boxers, my hair was all over the place, and I looked tired as hell. How am I going to walk out like this? Especially in front of Mr. Ambrose?

The bruises on my chest and stomach only got worst since yesterday. They look all gross and black and blue. My eye was swollen and hard to see out of while being black and blue as well. My nose was just swollen a bit. I'm thankful it didn't break.

"Seth!" Roman yelled, sounding like he's right outside my door.

I walked over to the door and slowly opened it, peeking my head out to see Roman standing there.

"Are you coming? Why aren't you dressed yet? You didn't set your alarm?" Roman asked.

"I forgot to set my alarm. Ro, I'm not coming out like this. I look horrible. Mr. Ambrose can't see me like this," I said quietly, in case Mr. Ambrose was anywhere close by and could hear me.

"Why do you--" Roman stopped before smirking. "You think he's hot and don't want him seeing you look like a wreck?"

"W-What," I said, shaking my head, "No, why-why would you think that?" I chuckled.

Roman smirked more. "There's my answer. He's not going to care what you look like. Just throw something on and come on out."

"Stall him please?"

"Only a little bit." Roman chuckled. "Just enough to get yourself dressed."

"Oh my god." I groaned and he chuckled more, just walking down the hallway to the family room. "Roman!" All Roman did was ignore me and I sighed, closing the door and walking back to my closet.

I grabbed black jeans, a band t-shirt, and new boxers, changing into them. I grabbed a hair tie and threw my hair into a bun, not bothering to brush it since it would most likely be fuzzy and gross. I walked across the hallway out of my room into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth, washing my face, and doing my morning business. There was no way I was going to the living room with stinky breath.

By the time I joined Roman and Mr. Ambrose in the living room, they were sitting on the couch, each holding a cup of something to drink.

"Good morning Rollins. Rise and shine," Mr. Ambrose greeted me and I blushed.

"Hi Mr. Ambrose," I said and Roman moved over on the couch, allowing me to sit in the middle of them.

"Please, call me Dean outside of school."

Wow Dean is his name? That's sexier than his last name.

"Okay...Dean," I said, looking at him to see he was smiling at me. I smiled back.

"So I was just telling your brother about some options we can take. We can go to the office and try them one last time," Dean said and I sighed. "Or we can go to the police considering at how badly you were beaten up."

I looked at Roman and then back at Dean. "I think going to the police should be the last resort."

"Yeah, I think that too," Roman said. "We'll try the school again and if that doesn't work, we go to the police. I don't want you in school though Seth. This is going to be the last time it happens."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "You're letting me drop out?"

"No, you know where I stand on you dropping out," Roman said and I sighed. "I'm saying we pull you out of summer school and get you home schooling."

I frowned a little. "Home schooling?"

I looked over at Dean, realizing I won't be able to see him anymore if I leave school. As much as I truly hate school and want to graduate, I just don't want to never see Dean again.

"If you need a home school teacher, I can do it," Dean told Roman before looking at me. "I believe he's smart and I want to continue to teach him."

I blushed and looked away from him. He thinks I'm smart? That's funny, but at the same time, it makes me feel good.

"I can't have you do that Dean, wouldn't it be too much for you with your class?" Roman asked.

Dean shook his head, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him. I blushed more if possible, but allowed myself to relax a little under his touch.

"It's no big deal. Since the class only runs until 1:00, I can be here for 1:30 the latest. I'll keep him aligned with the class so it's not really any additional work for me," Dean explained, ending with giving my shoulder a light squeeze. "Seth's smart, I know he could handle this. He just has to put the work in."

"Yeah, you better now since Dean is taking the time to make your life easier," Roman said, giving me a stern look.

I nodded quickly. "I will."

"Now how much do I owe you a week?" Roman asked before taking a sip out of his cup.

Dean shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

"Dean you need to take some sort of payment. You're taking your free time to help me. And it's the summer, you could be doing whatever you love to do instead of being here with me."

He smiled at me. "Like I said Seth, you're smart. Just put the work in. That's the payment."

"Okay," I said, smiling and Dean lightly squeezed my shoulder before moving his arm off of me.

Even though I'm in much pain, I'm kind of glad I got that beat down.

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