Double Trouble, Or Is it?

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These are in different points of view but this is what I wrote so far. But like always it won't get finished.

3rd person PoV
They were both born as twins from the Devil himself and the most beautiful Goddess. One was an angel with scarlet locks - white, fully formed wings and the most delicate form of icy blue eyes you have ever seen with red flecks in them. The other had raven black hair, scowling deep dark carnelian eyes and shredded onyx black wings. The pair were sent down to the human realm as things in Hell were complicated. They were kept apart until the fateful day of their 19th year. They don’t know who I am but I am their guide to the world and I decide their fates.

Devil PoV
I had to send my two beautiful girls up from Hell to the human world because God had found out about Ashanta but not the girls. Zanetti had long scarlet hair, angel white perfect wings and dazzling blue eyes with flecks of red shimmering through. Perfection. But Arkham was pure evil demon. The raven hair, the black shredded wings and the scowling ominous eyes that could kill with one look all pointed to my genes becoming active.

Unknown PoV
I was just a Fallen Angel, no one knew about me but what I saw was pure evil. The Devil cast his children up to Earth to fend for themselves. Both were beautiful in their own way. One was perfection, while the other was hot and sexy with a dark pure evil vibe to her.

God PoV
I knew about Ashanta and to say I was mad would be an understatement. One day I saw the Devil sneak up from Hell and at first I thought that he was just going up to Earth to cause more wars but when I looked closer. There were two newborn babies cradled in the crook of each of his arms. One was beautiful but the other reflected evil. This scared me but before I could do anything, he had vanished. Gone.

Random PoV
The Devil’s two girls grew up in different families and it will be exactly 19 years today that my soul has escaped from my body. They have grown up so beautifully (well one of them at least). Zanetti has been helping out at the homlessand poor shelter, Ashanta would be so proud. But Arkham has been stirring up trouble wherever she goes. She walks around with the confidence of a man who’s been to jail, showing off her red tribal tattoos and leather jacket. Both are completely different and lead dissimilar lives. When they were 15, their wings protruded and now they draw ever closer to each other. Soon they will see each other and then my prophecy will be full filled.

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