Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Niall's POV

I was about to do something diabolical. Then again, maybe not. I was still trying to decide.

I tossed my video camera back and forth, careful to catch it in each hand. I couldn't let it drop and break, not with the precious cargo that was inside. I wanted to treasure Desirah and I's duets forever.

I was sitting in front of a computer, a YouTube username and password staring back at me. I was so tempted to log on, go to "Upload", and download my video camera's contents onto the web.

But I couldn't do that. Not without Desirah's permission. If she was against it, she would absolutely hate me and try to kill me. But if she agreed, she could become YouTube-famous.

I wanted to put our duets on YouTube. More specifically, the boys' and I's official One Direction account. The attention on there would be perfect: millions of people would see the videos, love them, and beg for more.

I felt like Desirah didn't get enough attention. Sure, she had one million followers on Twitter, but to me that wasn't enough. She deserved more. She deserved a hundred million followers! Okay, maybe not that much, but something close to that.

I glared at the computer screen defiantly. I was going to do it. I didn't care what Desirah or the haters had to say. She deserved this and needed this, so I was going to give it to her. I loved to surprise her and shower her with unexpected gifts. Her reactions were always so hilarious!

After a second of hesitation, I logged on to the official One Direction YouTube account. I hooked up my advanced video camera to the computer and saved the duets to it. Then I dragged the videos into the big, black, empty space. I didn't even bother with an introduction; I didn't care. I didn't leave a description, either. I finished uploading the video all without thinking. I tried not to. It was too late to turn back now.

I sat back with a huge sigh, like I had lifted a large burden off of my shoulders. I wondered if I did the right thing. I had to, Desirah was going to be so grateful. I hoped.

Before I could regret my decision, I logged out of YouTube and turned off the computer. I detached my video camera and put it in my suitcase. I crept over to my bunk bed in the tour bus and snuggled underneath the covers.

Don't even think about it, I told myself. Just think of the wonderful thing that you did. Desirah is going to get noticed; you'll probably get to see her more often! Stop worrying so much.

I eventually convinced myself and slowly fell into a deep sleep. But for some reason, I felt like there was this heavy rock in the pit of my stomach.


"Who the hell is she?"

"How am I supposed to know? She's on our YouTube account!"

"Okay, so she has a YouTube account. That narrows it down."

"How do you know this? For all you know, this could be a hacker posting random videos on our account."

I wrinkled my nose and planted a pillow over my head. I had no idea what the boys were talking about, and I didn't really care, either. Couldn't they be just a bit quieter? A lad needed his sleep.

"Hey!" Louis shouted, hurting my ears. "We know that guy!"

"Which guy?" Harry asked.

"The one in the video, you doofus. We're all morons for not seeing this sooner."

No, not at all. I was grateful they weren't trying to figure out this mystery at five in the morning, but I wished they could've gone a little bit later. Like, 10:00am later.

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