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Kaycees POV.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

We're currently outside baileys house, talking to her grams. We told her about my dream about Gabe and that Tati girl and she doesn't know why it's happening.

"Have you heard of anyone who has this ability. This thing like me?" I ask and she sighs while shaking her head. I sigh deeply and start walking around the front porch.

"Well, now my destiny is to be in-love with a guy, then I have doppelgängers, now I'm seeing memories. And having visions and crazy dreams that feel like they've gone on for 30 seconds when they've gone on for a month?!" I shout and I sit down on the steps on the front porch.

"Wait.. visions. Crazy dreams. You've had more?" She asks and I nod looking down on the floor with my frustration. "Yea. She fainted last month and Apparently she had a crazy dream. She thought she out for 30 seconds, when it's been a month" Sean says and I sigh in frustration.

"W-what were they about?" She asks me and I sigh. "Well it was weird. First, I was in a place. It was dark. Just dark. Emptiness everywhere. And then I tripped over and landed on the floor" I start.

"When I opened my eyes, there was dirt. Noises. I flipped over on my back and there it was. I was in the woods, burnt trees. Fire. Screams coming from each corner" I say and start to feel cold.

"I closed my eyes and blocked my ears, then it all stopped. Next thing I know, I'm in another place. The same dark place. I turn around and see Sean" I say and we look at each other. I fake cough and look back to the ground.

"I um.. I saw Sean and me. We looked... i don't know. We looked fake, but yet so real. There was blood. Heaps of it. Blood pouring from both of our necks, into a silver bowl with weird markings on it." I say and she widens her eyes and looks at me.

"Then I Uh.. well I literally blinked. And I'm in this perfect world. Trees, plants, waterfalls. It looks so beautiful. But no animals, bugs, birds. People. It was only me, and Sean. I was standing there, just watching another me and Sean just sitting there, having a picnic." I say and look at him.

"Like nothing was wrong. We were in our own little world.." I say and she looks at me. "Then we said something then I finally woke up" I say and baileys grams Betty, stands up and looks at me.

"Wait, let's go back to the markings." She says and I nod. "What did they look like?" She asks and I sigh. "I don't know." I say and she sighs. "Just try to describe them ok?"

(Totally fake made up markings i made in my head btw)

"So there were a lot of different weird circles, with lines connected to each one. Then there was one in the middle. It was like the earth, then it had an actual heart picture on it. Like not the shape but an actual heart in someone's body" I say telling her while I see her grow pale.

"I'm sorry" she says and Sean and I look at each other and back at her. "You guys can't love each other. Or you'll be tempted by them." She says and we frown.

"What do you mean?" Sean asks and she sighs. "Silas and amara" She says and we raise our eyebrows. "Who are they?" I ask and she sighs. "Two very old, and evil people. I remember our ancestors said stories about them making doppelgängers for generations and generations. So one of the 1 million pairs, would finally make a world where it's only them. Paradise. But the only living thing that wasn't them would be the earth. No animals, humans, bugs. Nothing" she says and I widen my eyes.

"But you said 1 of the a million. Why would you think it's us?" Sean asks and Betty looks at me. "It's been told, that the one who has the visions of this "great plan", that pair, would be the destruction of this world" she says and I widen my eyes.

Before I could say anything, I'm going through wind and I'm at Sean's house. "Why did you do that!" I shouted at Sean and she looked at me. "Well did you hear her! She sounded like she was gonna kill you!" He shouts and I roll my eyes.

Well let's just hope she's wrong.

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