ReaderXKakuzu - Mint Flavor

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“Accept the money already,” Kakuzu growls, shoving a small stack of the colored paper into your face. You quickly take a step back, scowling.

“I don’t want your money, Kakuzu. I won’t date you because you’re paying me.” You reply, sidestepping him and making a quick retreat. However, the Akatsuki’s treasurer doesn’t relent and continues to follow you. Your feet pounding against the ground in anger followed by his angry stomps fill the empty hallway with noise. “Leave me alone already!”

Kakuzu grabs your shoulder and forces you to look at him again. “Not until you take the money. I won’t take no for an answer!” He shouts back. His anger only makes yours greater and you ball up your fists, ready to swing at him if he doesn’t let go.

Recognizing the danger, Kakuzu drops his hand from your shoulder, but doesn’t back off. Instead, he takes a step forward, closing the distance between you. He yanks the mask down, revealing his face. Before you can even react, he grabs the back of your neck and gives you a passionate kiss.

Barely a second passes before you are kissing him back. A moment later, you shove him away, satisfied, but still angry. “I’m not taking that money, Kakuzu.” You state for the last time before storming away. This time, Kakuzu doesn’t attempt to come after you.

XTime SkipX

It is getting late, but you have yet to retire to your room for the night. Many Akatsuki members have already gone up to their rooms, but you remain down in the living room, thinking too much to actually care that you are on a couch, not a bed. After all, there is a lot to think about and not as much time as you would like. As far as you know, your deadline is the weekend.

Last month, your apartment burned to the ground when a serial arsonist went rampant in Amegakure. The local police managed to capture the woman, but not before she carried out one last arson case, which also happened to be the place you live. Lucky for you, a friend of yours offered to let you stay with him. You just wish you had known that your ‘friend’ is an S-rank criminal and part of the notorious organization called the Akatsuki.

Your friend, Deidara, kept true to his word, though, and you have been allowed to stay until your apartment is rebuilt. You received news last week that you will be able to move in next week. It would have been great news, if it hadn’t been for the fact that you were suddenly being drowned in love from one of the most dangerous of the S-rank criminals, Kakuzu.

Strangely enough, over your stay in the base, it was Kakuzu that you grew closest to. The treasurer wasn’t very nice at first, and he did not always treat you with respect. There were even times when he did not treat you like a human. However, there was something behind the selfish front he kept up, and you were the first person to ever break through it. You know this because Kakuzu told you. It was also the day that he told you that he loves you.

However, the next day, he went back into his solitary state and didn’t talk to you for a full week. Suddenly, you received the news about being able to move back in and he’s around you constantly. It’s almost as if he fears you will leave him behind. It did not end there, though. Kakuzu began to offer you money. His reason: “I will give you as much money as you want; please go out with me”.

No matter what you told him, he refused to give up and even tried to force you into taking the paper. Every time you refused, he became more violent about his proposals. Now, you dread seeing him. However…the kiss earlier…it wasn’t that bad…

With a contented sigh, you think about the passionate kiss. It isn’t the first time he has kissed you, nor do you want it to be the last. You would be lying if you said you didn’t like him. In fact, you have told Kakuzu exactly how you felt about him, only to realize it made him ten times more forceful in his recent requests.

ReaderXCharacter: Naruto/Akatsuki VersionWhere stories live. Discover now