ReaderXGaara - Love Signs

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With only one eye open, you glare angrily at the clock, which rudely woke you from the best dream you have had in a while. Ever since the accident two weeks ago, you have been having reoccurring nightmares that come straight from the darkest corners of your mind. They have been plaguing your dreams and allowing you to get no more than three hours of sleep before you finally give up on the idea of the ever-elusive rest you very much need.

Last night was the first, of many you hope, that the nightmares did not come. However, there was something about your dream that really confused and intrigued you as well. There was a boy there, and, from what you could tell, he was not faceless, like most people in your dreams are. The only problem was that he was only in the shadows and you never got to really see him. Not that it really matters; he was most likely a person your mind made up.

Reluctant as you are, you push the covers of you bed back and are in the middle of swinging your feet off the bed when your apartment door, which is only a few meters away, slams open and the trespasser shouts at the top of her lungs, “Wake up!”

She then takes notice of you, who is already getting to your feet, and tackle hugs you. Or, at least she would have, had you not sidestepped, already aware of her morning hugging habits. She crashes onto your bed, the groans as she rubs her head, where it connected with the bedpost. You ignore her and begin to select your clothes from the dark, wooden dresser.

Now that she knows that she will get nowhere by trying to hug you again, the trespasser sits cross-legged on your unmade bed, finding a comfortable warmth in the spot you occupied a moment ago. This ‘trespasser’ is your cousin, and the only family you have in the village. You have other family outside, but when you moved, you had to leave them all behind. You rather love your family, but they were having money problems and you, being the oldest of your siblings, opted to get a job to help pay for your large family’s living expenses.

That job is as a kunoichi for Konoha. You may not have gone through the Academy, but you still made it to the level of Chuunin with great ease. However, without a recommendation from anyone, the rank of Jounin still eludes you. Not that you really want it in the first place. Sure, Jounin missions are bound to give you more money, but they are also harder and take more time, while Chuunin missions are usually quick and pay well enough.

You glance around your almost empty room, wondering why your cousin is so silent all of a sudden, which is completely unlike her. You do not hate her, but that does not mean you enjoy her loud mouthing and other obnoxious habits. Still, she is family and you put up with, if not sometimes enjoy, her company.

“What is it?” You ask, realizing that the reason she was so silent was because she was unsure if she should ask something of you or not. There is a rare occasion when your cousin finds something she is not entirely comfortable asking. Sometimes, it is love advice, other times, it is work advice.

Your cousin is no kunoichi; she is actually a medical shinobi at a local hospital. You may know nothing about healing or medicines, but you understand people, while your cousin might not. There is always an unhappy patient at the hospital and your cousin gets very scared when she is yelled at. When she was younger, she would even cry if someone was angry at her or others. Now that she is older, she feels a reserve towards expressing herself around others or when in trouble.

“Hokage-sama asked me…” She says, and then trails off, not entirely sure if the words about to leave her mouth were something you should be hearing. You raise an eyebrow at her when she does not continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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