Going home

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All the Arastaryans kneeled be fore the glowing water the Pegasi the wolf the dragon the gryphon and the eagle eyes began to glow as the pond glowed as well and a portal formed in the water as they chanaled all their power towards it and the team leaped into the water as Lapis paws touch the water her seronding change an they are suddenly serounded by myst the dark forest glowing toxic green she looked around her eyes widened as she realized that the forest was the toxic woods long ago during the first beast wars the baskelisks posed it and now every thing that grew and lived there was venomous she herd CRAKE CRUNCH! behind her and spun fur on end bearing her sharp teeth as a neon green wyvern trotted forward "Hi my name is Cario." he growled in a friendly way "I'm Lapis." the little wolf wispered her voice soft "I bet you want out Lapis." Cario asked Lapis nodded her head "I can get you out" Cario told Lapis "follow me." Cario told Lapis and the two took off they were a long way from there destinashon or at least Lapis's destinashon and leaped into the foggy air

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