Chapter 1

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October 10
Hermione was walking in a hallway and heard someone in a classroom that was almost never used. She took out her wand and slowly opened the door. She saw Harry sitting there, starting into space, thinking about something. "Are you okay?"

Harry jumped a little "yeah, why?"

"No, you're not" Harry was about to protest, but Hermione interrupted him. "Harry, I know you. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing"

"It's something if it's bothering you. Now, tell me!" Hermione glared at Harry.

"Hermione, I'm perfectly fine".

October 15, Room of Requirement
Ginny was crying on Harry's shoulder, something she rarely let anyone see, even her family.
"You HAVE to break up with Michael."

"I. I can't"

"Why not? He's abusing you, Gin"

"I'm worried about what he might do to me." Ginny want the kind of girl who got scared easily, but something about Micheal scared her.

"Don't worry I'll take care of him." Harry said with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks. Don't tell anyone about this including my family."

"Fine. Let me heal your bruises" There's a lot of things Harry kept secret for Ginny. They were used to this.

"I'm going to break up with him tomorrow. Will you stay with me?"


I'm sorry, I just had to. I know it's short, but you have to start somewhere, right? I don't really have much planned out right now, so I'm open to suggestions.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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