Niall meeting my parents

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Niall saw I was scared...My parents and I don't get along! Niall knew my mum and I always would argue that's why I moved out! We pulled up to my child hood house...I walked in and saw my father! I ran up and hugged him!! Father I said..This is Niall..Niall Horan..He's my fiancé I said softly! Pleasure to meet you Niall! Have a seat!! Pa I said? Ya Jordyn..Where's mum? She's up stairs! I walk upstairs to see my mum looking better then before! She saw me and ran up and hugged me!!! Jordyn she said!! Hey mum! So he's here? Yes mum! He's Niall Horan! He's actually my fiancé..We have been together for almost a year! Congratulations! When's the big day? Where thinking next year! During the Fall!! That's wonderful! How's alexia? We'll Alexia has twins Louis and Kimberly and is engaged to Harry Styles! Oh that's awesome!! How did you meet Mr.Horan? We'll at a meet and greet..Mum remember I was obsessed with him?!? My room is still One Direction!! All the sudden I hear an Irish Accent! Ohhh really it is! He runs up the stairs to my room! I'm blocking the door!! He opens it and he falls on top of me! I giggle and blush because I'm very embarrassed! My room has One Direction dolls,posters,stickers and ect! Niall laughs and says awe my baby girl was a fan girl! I shut my bedroom door and start making out with Niall...After about 20 minutes we say out goodbyes and drive back to our flat!! That went better then expected I said to Ni! Sure did he said and pecked me on the lips

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