Chapter 1

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Ruby's POV

Ever since i can remember I had always been a good child to my parents and never really did anything bad to upset them, so why is it that they decide to abandon me on the side of the road like this. Oops sorry I should probably introduce myself, my name is Ruby Rozu and I am 4 years old. Okay so I may sound a little mature for being a four year old, but hey I can't do anything about I just have been like that ever since I can remember. Well right I am sitting under a tree trying to stay out of the rain because well I do not have anywhere to go since for some reason my parents were like hey why don't we just leave our only child on the side of the road so we can be free. Yea that what I heard them talking about doing one day, so I just decided to play along as the naive little 4 year old they thought I was and they drove me hear and said to wait and they would be back in a hour and left me with enough money for basically a couple of days. Well here I am 2 days later eating what I could afford with the money they left me. Cars just drive by and don't even stop to see if I am someone's missing child, but hey this is what life is like these days.

It has 3 days since my parents abandoned me and I barely have money left for food, suddenly I see a limo drive by which is weird because all the cars that drive by here are regular cars not wealthy people cars. It drives by, but then suddenly towards around and drive back to me, so me being me, I am scared and confused at the same time. This lady suddenly comes out and runs and hugs me at the same time basically suffocating me in a bear hug. Luckily she finally lets me go and I can finally breath. 

"Hi there little one are you lost or got separated from your parents somehow?" the strange lady asked me.

"No because they wanted to abandon me because they felt like I was a waste of money," I replied.

"Well would you like to come home with me and maybe become part of my family somehow or something else, oh by the Way my name is Fuyumi Ootori."

" Sure but I am not sure I would really fit in with your family and from the looks of it your family must be rich or something," I replied.

" Ok well if you don't feel like you'll fit in with my family, you still stay at my family's house, play with my little brother, and I can even get you the best homeschooling program. How does that sound," she said.

"Okay I guess I'll try and see how it goes, then I'll decide," I replied.

Time Skip 

"Here we are, your new home and maybe new family if you decide to join the Ootori Family."

"Thank you Fuyumi and Ill think about I just need some time ok?"

We had finally arrived at the Ootori Mansion and holy crap was it huge seriously, like holy crap I could not believe the size of this house. Fuyumi showed me where I would be staying and then later went to talk to her Father. He dad decided that I could stay and if I did decide to be adopted by them then everything else would be easy, but if not I could still stay I would just be home schooled and would become the maid of Kyoya Ootori Fuyumi's youngest brother and apparently he is my age. 

Time Skip 13 years later ( Author-chan is lazy and was at school while writing this)

Well that was all thirteen years ago and took the second option of being a maid because I did not feel like I could fit in with their family and all the things they had to do. Over the years I while being home schooled, I learned things quickly and which led me to having more advanced classes then Kyoya. When I had moved in with the Ootori family and made my decision, Fuyumi decided that I should had a room next to Kyoya's, so then I don't have to worry about waking up to early just to get to his room on time to wake him up for school. Oh I almost forgot to mention that Kyoya hates to be woken up in the mornings, but over years for some reason he got use to me waking him up that he hates it if anyone besides me wakes him. Why it's like that I don't and I don't think i'll ever know why, Kyoya just got used to it after a while of being his maid when I was younger. I guess it's also because I always was singing while opening the curtains and tidying any little mess he has in his room, so I guess that just wakes him up. Stop right there reader-chan and don't even think that he would ever fall for a maid like me because his father already has an arranged marriage and plus he would never fall for a maid like me. My hopes of me being with him are down the drain and plus I've been able to to hide the crush I have on him for years, so he will never ever have to worry about hurting me if he knew.

" Morning Ruby-chan how is your morning going today?" Kyoya asked me.

"It's going well as usual, just doing what I do everyday" I replied.

" Could you please sing more often Ruby. I love to hear you sing, but you only seem to sing when you come in to tidy up before I wake up."

"Sure Kyoya-sama, what ever you ask for I will do because remember I am your personal maid."


Well that the first chapter guys hope you like it. Also I new this if you have written a book on Wattpad and see something that I can improve in my book, please feel free to leave a suggestion in the comment section. Disclaimer to the original creator of OHSHC.

Ruby- alright come one get on with the next chapter I bet people are itching to find out whats gonna happen. 

author-shut up before I delete you and make a new oc, got that

ruby(shrinks in fear)-yes mam

Kyoya- Ruuubbby come back to my room please

RUBY- c-c-coming k-k-kyoya

Alright well thank kyoya and thank you if you have made it this far because i know it's probably really bad.

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