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My dad left me, wen I was 9#. He died and I miss, I see him every were. In the stars in the night, in my art, in the tree tops, and in songs.

I love him so 

2 days after the first text 

ALEN<3   hi

ALEN<3  hi  

me  hi  

ALEN<3  I what to ask a girl out how would you do it?????

me  ask her to the movies 

ALEN<3  OK :)

ALEN<3 you  want to go to the movies with me?? 

me not my silly the girl........

ALEN<3  OMGG......

ALEN<3  you are the most pretty  idot Ive ever meet 

ALEN<3  Its you Ella 

ALEN<3  Im!!!!

ALEN<3 In !!!!

ALEN<3 Love !!!!

ALEN<3 with !!!!

ALEN<3 you   !!!

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