What Arousal Smells Like!

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**Ch 62 What Arousal Smells Like!**

**Bella's POV**

            I was glad to see that every one made it on time. “Okay so first we are going to start with basic stretches. Everything is going to be in an eight count. We are doing arms, shoulders, legs, quads, necks and core, before we run. It might seem like a lot but it really isn’t I wasn’t going to make you do everything on the first day but since we have been having issues we are, except you won't be running two laps you’ll just do one. Let’s begin so we can get back inside.” I instructed as we all did our stretches. “Why are we doing all of this I'm tired?” Jessica whined. “Yeah we don’t even do this much in gym.” Lauren said adding her two cents. “Because I need to see how flexible you are and to help you keep up in the dances. I will not have somebody lifting up your heavy ass or vice versa. Now get your ass on the track once you finish your lap you can go back to the gym drink some water and cool down. We shall begin 5 minutes after the last person is finished.” I explained.

            I was the first done followed by the Cullens, Ben, Angela, Kimberly, Tyler, Eric, Mike a couple other boys and girls that I don’t know their name yet. It wasn’t a surprise that Lauren and Jessica were the last to finish. After I sent them all in to cool down I did a few more laps on the track to help me relax I was just wrapping up when I was tackled to the ground. “Why have you been ignoring me Isabella?” Edward growled at me. Fuck when he is on me like this his scent is everywhere I couldn’t think straight. “I haven’t I been trying to teach them how to dance and it isn’t an easy feat by the way.” I purred nuzzling my face into his neck. Fuck I could feel my whole body reacting to his scent. “Edward we need to get up we are still at school and I have a group to teach but I save a dance for you after they leave if you behave please.” I purred licking him from the base of his neck to behind his ears before I pulled it in my mouth and followed the path back down with kisses.

            He groaned but stood up nonetheless pulling me with him. We were walking back into the gym and I froze in my spot. “What the hell are you doing at my laptop?!” I shouted getting the rest of the group’s attention. “I was just trying to put on some different music then this crap you have on here but I can't figure out your fucking password.” Lauren said. “It is fucking locked for this reason right here. That is my personal laptop and if I wanted people on it then I would have fucking left it unlock you fucking idiot. The music that is playing is the music that we are going to be using that why it is playing. I don’t do shit for my health now I am going to have to disinfect it because there is no telling what kind of germs you left on it now move.” I seethed. She huffed and moved away before I headed over there and grabbed the wipes from my bag, once I had that all cleaned I quickly typed in my password.

            I turned up the music a little louder before standing up. “Okay so we are going to mix two types of music together which will be Hip-hop and Latin. Both are very similar to one another and shouldn’t be very difficult to transfer from each other. Like I stated before Kimberly was able to help with one of the transition earlier. Before you ask I have most of the dances down but like I said this is a team and we work together. Tomorrow we will be working on that transition because it will lead into the tango. I will demonstrate that shortly. Today we are going to be working on the tango itself so you can do that transition tomorrow. Edward we are going to do the same thing from earlier but after the last eight count where your hands are on top of mine we’ll proceed into a simple tango.” I instructed. I walked back to the table and took of my hoodie off and placed it on it. I slipped off my shoes and fastened my black heels and walked back over to the middle of the floor.

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