Chapter 1

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Our hero sonic the hedgehog,the one who defeats Eggman and always win or that's what we thought for now,sonic and his friends were going to stop eggman's plans once again but he has something in mind for them

Sonic spinsdashes one of the robots,Amy swinging her hammer at them,Knuckles punching them until their made into scrap metal and tails hacking the system to get in to get the chaos emeralds"Hey tails are you done yet?! I don't know if we can keep up with this!"Sonic yells to his fox friend while he destroys some robots"I'm on it sonic,I just need to find the source code"Tails said as he types down on the computer until he successfully did it"I did it guys!"Tails yells to his friends"Good one Tails!"Amy said but she didn't noticed a robot was about to strike on her and then sonic noticed"AMY LOOK OUT!!"He said as he ran to her quickly,Amy looks back and eyes widened in shocked and looks away and waits for the impact but nothing happened,she can't feel the ground until she opens her eyes and noticed she's been carried by sonic,she blushes red and looks at him"t-thanks Sonic"she said softly and sonic looks at her with a smile"no prob ames"

"Hey love birds! Let's go get the chaos emeralds already!"Knuckles said in a teasing way and the two hedgehogs blushes,Sonic puts Amy down gently and she stands up,The gang went to get the chaos emeralds until they heard a annoying laugh they know,the doors shuts behind them and they were trap"Oh ho ho ho ho!"Then eggman appears on his air craft"you idiots fell for my trap! Now your doom has finally come!"Eggman said with a evil grin and Sonic Glares at him"yeah right,this is the same story all over again,you come and say your plans and then I defeat you as always so why bother eggface"Sonic said as he was about to attack,Then a robot grabs him and as well with Amy"AHH!!"Amy screamed as she try's to get away"Amy! Eggman let her go now!"Sonic said angrily at eggman,Tails and Knuckles was about to help them but got caught as well"oh why would I? That will ruin my plans to destroy you and your worthless friends! Now face your death rodents!"He laughs maniacally as he presses a button and the guns points one of them"Sonic help!!"Amy yells in fear and looks away"No no no!!"Sonic struggles but couldn't but it was to late,A laser beam shots the four heroes

Eggman finally won"Yes,at last! I have won!!"He said proudly until he noticed they were still alive"what?!? How can that be possible?!?"Their bodies are not gone and only unconscious but something was different about them but what could it be?

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