A Broken Memory...

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"Voltron?" Pidge questioned. Lance looked at Shiro as if he was growing horns." Man that time in space must of really gotten to his head..." He muttered to Pidge who had curiosity gleaming in her amber eyes.

" Hold on the aliens on my satellite were talking about that!" Pidge beamed so big that the gap in her two front teeth were showing.

Lance shivered at the thought of aliens coming here to earth.

" D-did they say anything else?" Shiro peeped with fear. Lance flinched at the sight. What the hell are these guys doing to make Shiro of all people scared.

" No sorry." Pidge admitted with dissatisfaction.

" We have to find this thing, whatever it is... but how?" Shiro studded. Lance smirked." I think I know someone who could help."

" Geez man you could've warned me it would be this cold out tonight!" Hunk entered the room shivering.

" It's approximately seventy seven degrees outside Hunk." Pidge remarked.

Hunk ignoring Pidge's sass quickly turned his gaze towards Lance.

" Um quick question, why am I here? Cause it's kinda dark outside, and my Mom isn't gonna want me staying up late... ITS ALREADY PAST MY BEDTIME!" He shouted, checking his Dora the Explorer watch he borrowed from his little sister.

Lance exaggerates his arms." Hunk Jesus calm down!"

Hunk took a deep breath." Okay, sorry. So why am I here?"

Shiro then proceeds to explain the plan to the sap.
"- And that is the plan... did you get all that?"

Hunk whimpered." S-so we're going to the same cave that Keith died in?!" Pidge lowered her gaze, reminded sorrow in her large amber eyes. Shiro bit his lip back, and Lance just stared into the beyond, as if he was seeing a ghost, or a memory...

Ten year old Lance McLain was curled up in the grass, tears blurring his vision, when he heard footsteps.

" Hey, you okay?"

His rival, his one-upper, his adversary was standing right in front of him, with concern clouding his huge violet eyes.

" What do YOU want?!" Lance shouted harshly, and unnecessary loud.

Keith must of noticed the bruises on his face, because he was looking for a retort of some sort, but stopped, understanding washed over his features.

" Bullies suck..." Keith stated. Lance looked up with tears falling down his freckled face.

Keith then played with the basketball in his arms,  only to then toss it into Lance's embrace.

" Wanna play ball?"

" Lance? Have you been listening at all?!" Pidge's comment snapped him back to the present.

" Yeah, Yeah I'm here."

Pidge gestured him towards Shiro's buggy." Then lets go!"

A Summer Worth Remembering Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant