For the Daughters

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"Every inch of freedom

Bought at an expensive price

We owe debt to the past

Let us pay it the future."

Let us continue this

Ellen Walworth

Started this disastrously beautiful fight

To show what women

Were worth.

To be the light

At the end of the

Dark, dark hall

Us women

Have walked down

Ellen Walworth

"Every inch of freedom

Bought at an expensive price

We owe debt to the past

Let us pay it the future."

Let us continue this

Yellow bud blossoming

Into yellow rose

Which we wear upon our shirts

Above our skirts

When they wither

When they die

More seed will come

And the yellow flower

Will blossom in

Other women's hearts

Yellow bud blossoming

"Every inch of freedom

Bought at an expensive price

We owe debt to the past

Let us pay it the future."

Let us continue this.

Iron Jawed Angels

Strong yet beautiful

Standing tall

Like a tree

That never dies

And is very much alive

A name that houses

177,000 living creatures

"Every inch of freedom

Bought at an expensive price

We owe debt to the past

Let us pay it the future."

Let's continue this

The emblem of

Spinning wheel

An emblem

Of the colonial days

And golden stars

For the thirteen

Who voted for women's voice

And beautiful, bright

Flower flax

The emblem of

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