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On Saturday, I nervously awaited for Raihana at the library. I had thrown away all cigarettes in my binder, ( in my pencil pouch, in the back pocket, etc.) When Raihana showed up, she was wearing her hair up this time, and wore a backless dress paired with her usual converse.
I could tell she wasn't wearing makeup, but regardless of whether or not she did, I still found her perfect. I started walking towards her, and stopped abruptly. Angelika was right next to her, in a pink crop top and a skirt.
"Hey, Raihana! You invited your friend?" I questioned, glancing at Angelika.
"Huh? Oh, yeah," Raihana said, nodding with a tight smile.
"Cool! The more the merrier, right?" I tried to smile at Angelika, but I was pretty sure she could feel the forced aura surrounding me. Angelika nodded at me, smiled, and started walking towards the library gate with Raihana at her side. From a stranger's point of view, they looked like a real couple. I quickly followed them into the main entrance, textbooks becoming heavier and heavier on my back; even though my backpack felt light beforehand.
We reached a table, and put our binders down. Angelika sat next to a small Asian boy, and shifted around uncomfortably in her seat.
"Would you mind sitting next to me?"
Raihana looked at the empty seat near Angelika, and nodded with that gleam in her eye she always had.
Angelika was now sitting between me and Raihana, much to my dismay. It always seemed as if Raihana was too happy to do anything with Angelika.
They got to work immediately, taking out notes from their binders that they had missed. I took out my binder, and helped them with notes, (mostly just letting them copy mine.)
"Hey, um...excuse me?" A delicate Russian voice brought us to a complete stop.
" you have the notes for Ms. Garcia's math class? I was absent when you guys took them."
Raihana went stiff.
"Jonas, do you have those notes? I wasn't paying attention when we were taking them," Raihana nervously replied.
"Yeah, sure! Didn't realize you guys didn't have those notes." After handing them the notes and apologizing a bajillion times, they grabbed their stuff and got up. Raihana gave me a weak smile.
Angelika nodded too, and took Raihana's hand in hers. They turned to walk away, before Raihana immediately turned around, and walked up with me, letting go of Angelika's grip.
"Sorry, Jonas. We have to go. Angelika wants to go see a concert later today, so I'll see you soon." Raihana seemed apologetic enough, so I simply smiled and ushered them away. The minute they left, I sighed, and ran my hand through my hair.

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As I grabbed my stuff, I couldn't determine if I was angry or upset. I don't think I really felt anything at all. I definetly didn't like Angelika, but what were my feelings towards Raihana? After that day, I questioned every move they made together: holding hands, studying together, laughing together, walking together, etc.
The minute I got home, I called Andrew.
"Well it's about time you picked up!" Andrew said, "I called you 20 times!"
"You only called me once."
"You sure? I remember as clear as day waiting for you to pick up after multiple times of trying to call yo-"
"How many blunts did you have today, Andrew?"
"....Well, come over to my house if you want to; My parents left an hour ago after dropping off some food, and won't be back until next week. Ya know, when our exam results from last year come out."
"Ha, on my way," I replied. After I hung up, I went to my room to pack a backpack. I pulled out my sandwich bag filled with weed that I hid in my closet, and stuffed it into the front pocket. I got up and left to his house.
When I got there, the lights were off. After knocking for a couple minutes, Andrew opened the door, and flicked the lights on.
"Is there anything to eat in here?" I asked as I slammed down my backpack.
"I think there are some noodles in the fridge."
I heated up the noodles, and sat on the couch with Andrew. After 10 minutes of sitting uncomfortably, I asked to be excused.
"I need to go change into something more....comfortable."
"Oo la la," Andrew replied, smirking.
I threw a pillow at him and rushed upstairs.
After coming down in a more comfy pair of shorts and shirt, I talked to him about Angelika and Raihana as we watched movies.
"I think Angelika gets jealous if I talk to Raihana for too long," I said, drawing in a smoke. Andrew stayed quiet, only talking when he was asking for the vape.
"Do you still like her? I told you, she's using you, dude," Andrew said, after a long time of being silent.
"It's not like I'm saying you're wrong but...I dunno, something about her intrigues me. I don't know if I still like her romantically or anything, but I don't want to lose her to anyone, you know?" I replied, noodles in mouth.
All Andrew did was sigh. We continued to watch movies until we both became bored. Andrew had the bright idea to suggest if we should find out if they're a couple. Trying to sound as least desperate as possible, I agreed. We decided on finding out later, (ya know, the dumb decisions that never follow through at 12am), and we both dozed off on the couch.
When I woke up, Andrew was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"How much do you want in your cereal?"
"Hit it hard, chief."
He chuckled, and handed me my bowl, almost filled to the brim with tasty cinnamon squares.
"I think Raihana and Angelika are actually a thing. Maybe you should give up on her."
I was silent, but knew he was right.

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It was Sunday night, and I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was what Andrew had said.
I was getting bad vibes for sure around Angelika, but Raihana? I'm not so sure. Maybe Angelika just has social anxiety? I dunno, Angelika's seen me around before. Why would Raihana even bother hanging around her? I get that she's a transfer too, but Angelika's way too quiet.
It was 2am when I decided to pick up the phone that was ringing from an unknown number. When I picked up, the line immediately got cut off, and I got a voicemail 30 seconds later.
The voice was not one of a human's. It was monotonous and robotic.
"Delta, Alpha, Romeo, Kilo, Whiskey, Echo, Bravo."
After the series of words, the voicemail cut off, and I shakily out the phone down. Even though my heart was racing, I was frozen in place. I get a headache just thinking about it.
I wish I never listened to that voicemail. I wanted to call Andrew, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, out of fear and anxiety.
I packed up my stuff quietly, and headed out. I didn't feel safe in my own house. I didn't feel safe anywhere. I dint exactly know where I was going.
My anxiety didn't go away. It increased as I took each and every step.
My heart was pounding in my head. I couldn't forget about the voicemail, my mind was running wild, wondering what it meant. I was driving myself crazy.
When I reached a stopping point, I was in National Park.
After I sat down on a bench, I was a bit dizzy.
"I should probably get out more," I huffed.
I drank some water, trying to clear my mind.
I still try to forget that night, but it scares me to this day.

A/N: Thanks for reading! The message may be a bit confusing for people who don't keep up to date with every single s p o o k y conspiracy theory out there. In due time, you will understand. If you guys in the comments know what the message went, it's okay if you tell other people what it is ❤️

[This story is a collaboration between Alex and I! Some parts will be written by Alex, some parts by me. Updates should be out every Friday! If you enjoyed this chapter, give it a star!]

🌺Heleena's (my) Instagram: @/pastellalolita
🌺Alex's Instagram: @/wippdgroupie

follow us we need clout lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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