Lace: Wolf Sin of Insanity/Commandment of Regret (Seven Deadly Sin OC)

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Age: 8(looks) Unknown (real)

Species: Human/Demon/Goddess/Beastman/Vampire/Fairy/Doll

Gender: Female

Skin Color: Very Pale

Eye Color: Left Eye: Blood Red Right Eye: Light Grey-Puple

Hair Color: Light Brown with a magenta middle fade

Hair Length: A little past shoulder Length

Dad: Unnamed

Mom: Supreme Deity

Sibling(s): Helbram, Alex(Alex belongs to Midg1234)[Idk how the three are related! XD], and Elizabeth

Weapon(s): All Sin weapons, all commandment weapons, and Sacred Treasure: Renew and Rebirth the Blessed Blade(Katana) of Dismay(She's able to change the form of her katana)

Outfit: She normally wears an oversized grey shirt with pinkish-red stars on it with orange leggings that fade to yellow. Purple boots with white fluff at the top with a red bow on the sides of the boots. She also almost always wears a black choker with a dark red heart on it around her neck and a blood red hair clip that has a dark pink heart in it in her hair. (Lace has worn other clothes before(like the Tavern's 'uniform', a maid outfit, a white and gold dress/robe, and an oversized black cloak with pure black leggings and a long sleeved shirt underneath) but she currently wears armour like a Holy Knight with the cloak on top of her armour and it's outfit underneath the armour)

Likes: Sweets, Cooking, Baking, Reading, Fighting, Learning, Dancing, Singing,

Dislikes: Math

Name Meaning: Transferred use of the English surname meaning "belonging to Lacy or Lassy." The name, derived from several French place-names, was brought to England by companions of William during the Norman Conquest. Rebellious woman

Background: Lace was a happy girl born in the heavens but she was assigned to protect her older sister Elizabeth since she was unnaturally strong for a young Goddess. Lace had met Meliodas and she started to see him as a friend. One day when a demon appeared, Lace watched in fear as Meliodas was dragged back to the hells. Lace was there when the Holy War started and she was determined to protect the Goddess and Celestial clans along with Meliodas on the first day and she got injured and she fell to Earth. Gowther(The demon who made Gowther the doll) help Lace heal and get back up to the heavens but Lace didn't know Gowther was a demon. Lace fought fiercely to protect everyone she could, but she was impaled by Galand and then she watched in horror as Meliodas and Gowther(the demon) were dragged off but Gowther(the demon) suddenly used magic and a pink haired male doll was brought to life but he was also dragged off. Lace watched as the Demon and Vampire Clan were thrown to earth. Lace's mom started to prepare everyone for the war which would occur on Earth but once the war came, Meliodas started to protect Elizabeth. Lace watched as the two were cursed and Merlin was blessed as a child who then quickly ran over and hugged the two while crying. Lace watched in horror as Meliodas and the girl, who was known as Merlin from Elizabeth shouting, were badly injured and Lace quickly flew over and she hugged her sister and then she watched as her sister weakened from injuries. The clans all came over to the grieving child, feeling bad for hurting her. The demon Gowther was suddenly killed but the doll Gowther came over and hugged Lace gently but he then sent what Lace was to everyone. Lace's mother disowned Lace while the three dying people watched but then Gowther gently kissed Lace's forehead and he gently smiled at her before he made her pass out and he locked her memories away. The Holy War ended but Lace was found by Helbram and Elaine while they were playing Hide & Seek. Lace was taken in by the fairy clan who were at peace with the beastman Clan. The two clans worked together while Lace was still young to teach her how to seem like a human or just a late bloomer Fairy. Lace grew up with the fairies but she had watched as a demon burnt down the forest killing many fairies and beastman and she was taken in by Ban. Ban was accused of taking Lace from a human family and of killing many people to become immortal. Lace was separated from Ban and given to the a poor family but her memories were once again locked away by Gowther when he saw her again. Lace lived with the poor family for less than a week before the teenager killed herself due to being cheated on. The mom was murdered by the dad a few months later. Lace had gotten raped ever since but one day, Lace a weird feeling and she went outside to see a fairy covered in blood and a young boy who looked ready to kill. Lace ran in front of the fairy who was actually her brother and then her and her older brother were both killed by their old friend. Lace was brought back with Helbram who was coming back for the fourth time. The two were brought back from the dead but it had been many years since the Eight Deadly Sins were chosen(The original 7 and Alex). Everyone remembers Lace because she had run into all of the Sins before she had been killed but Lace is now badly corrupted and without any memories but she looks like a Holy Knight. Lace's face is hidden by a helmet and she goes around with Helbram and the two siblings only have one goal...To kill the Eight Deadly Sins and the Ten Commandments.

Extra Info: Her sin symbol is on her stomach while her commandment symbol is on her left cheek. Lace is in control of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Plants, Light, Darkness, Magic, Strength, Weakness, Life, and Death. Lace is a Yandere and a Tsundere. She has a curse like Meliodas's so if she dies she comes back, but only if someone brings her back using magic or if she beats every ruler of every clan in their own version or Purgatory. Lace is very attached to Gowther(The doll) because he saved her from a human man who was trying to rape her(before the Fairy Forest burning down). Lace doesn't like it when anyone shows any signs of liking Gowther more than a friend or thinks of him as more than a friend. Lace smells like black roses.

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