Gym Misunderstandings

114 6 6

Peter ParkerxReader


Word count: 1990

Ever since you were young you weren't allowed to your dad's parties. That or you were and you dreaded them.

However, ever since he started working with the other Avenger's, you looked forward to the ones you could go to.

Tonight was no different.

You were on a break from school and you surely needed it.

As you got ready there was a knock on your bedroom door.

"Come in," You called, slipping your wedges on.

The door opened revealing your Aunt Nat. During her time working for your dad, the two of you had become close. She was like a mother to you, okay well more just like a cool aunt, but you still admired her.

The woman smiled at you. "Hey! Your dad said you were home, why didn't you tell me?"

You smiled going over and hugging her. "I wasn't sure if I was coming home or not, but dad convinced me."

"Well I'm glad. There's someone I want you to meet tonight."

You cocked an eyebrow at her. "Who?"

"Just our new member's that you haven't met yet," She said, nonchalantly.

You smiled. "That sounds awesome. I can't wait."

"I'll see you up there." She said, leaving your room.

You quickly finished getting ready and went up to the party.

The music was loud and there were way too many people.

You caught sight of your dad and went over to him.

"Hey kiddo," He greeted, setting his drink down on the bar. He pulled you into a hug.

"Hey dad," you greeted, hugging back.

"Glad you're home." He said, releasing you.

"Me too," you sighed with relief. Nothing beat being at home, while you didn't go to school far away, living there wasn't the same as being home.

Where you could be surrounded by your super family.

You asked the bartender for a soda before leaving your dad to talk to some of his guests.

You were happy the avenger's were all finally back together. You couldn't take another minute of their fighting.

While walking around the party you caught up with some of the people you knew. Including; Bruce, Thor, and Steve. You also finally got to meet the infamous Bucky who quickly made your heart melt.

It was a shame he was still so much older than you minus his time being frozen. But still, as charming as he was, not really your type.

You now found yourself sitting with Clint, Wanda, and Vision. The two newer members were interesting to say the least.

"Y/N," Nat called from behind.

When you turned to look at her she was dragging a blushing guy, around your age, towards you.

Clint pulled Wanda and Vision away before you could even think to look back.

"Y/N," Nat said finally reaching you. "This is Peter."

You smiled politely at him. "Hi."

"Uh, h-hi, hi." He said, fumbling over his words. He quickly slid a hand through his light brown hair and nervously looked to Nat.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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