Untitled Part 1

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When Balthazar popped in and said he needed you to keep an eye on Cas and Gabriel you had expected to see the two men you were used to. But no before you stood Balthazar holding two little ducklings.

" Ok so where are they?' you asked

"They're right here, can't you see.' he replied in an unamused tone

'The ducks?" you questioned

"Yes the ducks. I don't have time for this I need to get back" he says harsher than needed " Look Cas called saying he need my help and I got there just in time to see another angel turn them into the ducklings you see here. Now I'm still trying to find out who did this so we can turn them back"

" Can't they just get new vessels?" Sam asks from behind you

"No there was some sort of lock put on them and they can't use any grace either" He informed

" Ok, but what are we supposed to do with them?" Dean asks slightly confused as to where you guys come in

"Just take care of them like ducks, they will have no memory of this nor do they have any knowledge of who and what what they are. Now any more questions or can I go fix them?" he says getting annoyed

Dean waves him off and he's gone again in a flutter of wings

" So do either of you know how to take care of ducklings?" you ask loocing to the boys hopefully

" Not really but I'm sure I can look it up." Sam says as he grabs his laptop,He soon makes up a list of things needed and sends Dean to get them. When he returns you tell him the few things Sam told you about the care for them.After a little while you finally get it all set up. You're all setting around watching them before Sam says something about trying to guess which one is which, observing closely you come to the conclusion by the way they act Cas is the black one

which means gabe has to be the one going after your candy

it doesn't take long before both are curled up next to your leg for warmth, putting them in a box with a heat lamp you all head to bed. Only to be woken up by the strange clanging coming from the other room,you and the boys go to investigate guns drawn only to find both cas and gabe back to their normal selves but still curled together under the heat lamp

"Oh now they will never live this down." you say suppressing a fit of laughter 

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