Chapter Nine

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"I can't afford this," Y/N hissed as she looked at the price tag on the dress she was wearing.

Rebekah rolled her eyes, dismissing the issue with a wave of her hand. "Turn.".

Y/N did as she was asked, taking in her appearance in the full length mirror. "And look at this slit," she complained. "I can't pull this off..."

Rebekah tilted her head. "Don't be foolish. You're gorgeous. Elijah will lose it when he sees you in this."

Y/N blushed. She looked at the dress, gold - a color she didn't usually wear. It was off the shoulder, with a slit on one side that ran up to her thigh showing off her legs. She was definitely out of her comfort zone as she took in the beaded bodice and open back.

Rebekah wasn't wrong though, she looked amazing.

"It's too much."

"Nonsense." Rebekah moved to stand behind her. We are getting the dress, I have spectacular taste," she pulled Y/N's hair up into a makeshift updo to see see the neckline better and noticed the mark Elijah had left. "Bloody hell, Y/N."

Y/N moved away, letting her hair drop to the side once more and Rebekah pushed her into the dressing room. "You can't walk around advertising to the entire Quarter that you're a blood bag," she hissed.

Y/N took off the dress, changing back into her clothes, her back to Rebekah. "I'm not a blood bag," she argued.

She sighed. "Whatever you do in private with my brother is your business, quite frankly I hope I never have to hear it again...but a little subtly goes a long way." She bit the palm of her hand and held it out to Y/N.

"I'm fine," she pushed her offered hand aside and tried to exit the dressing room, but was stopped by Rebekah.

"Drink," she demanded.

Y/N sighed. "I already told Elijah-"

Rebekah walked her back into the wall. "I don't care what you told my brother, you will be in a room full of vampires tonight, the majority of which want your head on a stick. Let's not tempt them anymore than we have to," she said as she forced her hand over Y/N's mouth until she had no choice but to swallow a bit of her blood.

Rebekah released her. "There," she said checking her neck once more. "All better. Now grab your dress, and meet me at the front."

They spent the rest of the morning searching for accessories, none of which lived up to Rebekah's standards, which Y/N was realizing were quite high. When it was lunchtime, Rebekah claimed shopping made her ravenous, and when Y/N suggested a burger joint she knew, the vampire smiled. "I need a real meal," she clarified before dismissing herself.

Y/N was down the street from her apartment when her phone buzzed. She smiled at the screen, Elijah's name appearing.

"Hey," she answered.

"Hi," his smooth voice came through the receiver, making her grin even more. "How was your morning with Rebekah?"

Y/N sighed. "I don't think I've ever tried on so many dresses in one day before, I'm exhausted."

"I trust you found something suitable for this evening?"

She looked at the garment bag in her hand. "It's a little much," she began.

Elijah chuckled. "Rebekah has excellent taste. Besides," he continued. "I'm confident that no matter what you wear, you will without a doubt be the most beautiful woman in the room."

Y/N's cheeks heated at his compliment. "You're not so bad yourself, Mikaelson."

"Where are you now? Perhaps I should swing by, maybe get a preview of this dress..."

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