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She looked so perfect, 

Neatly carved with expert hands.

Each curve like a falling wave, every point like a sharpened sword

Eyes like a sky within the moon, twinkling like the stars with a pride so-called.

Her long sharp fingers wound precisely on her arms

As she stood with an aura no man could match.

The way she looked down on every soul that passed

The way her attitude talks for her

The way her heels take her high up from the ground

And the way her stare makes the pillars shake.

Everything was there in that one picture,

All that act she always put.

But all she saw behind all those sparkles

Where the shining tears that her life gave her.

For nobody saw that face distorted,

And nobody knew her broken soul.

Nobody saw those shattered pieces 

Pierce her with every breath.

The beauty they saw, she brought from her ashes

The empire she rules made of a fire of darkness

All that they saw was an uncrowned queen, 

For she knew better that the crown was burnt.

Everyone adored the masterpiece she was,

While she saw the flaws that made it perfect.

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