Author Note

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Hey cuties, it me the author here!

I'm sorry for everyone that thought this was going to be a update, but we will talk about that now.

So I haven't been updating lately because of school, homework, and stress. Whenever I get free time (which is usually on the weekend) I always nap it away, because I'm so tired. I have low iron which causes me to be sleepy a lot, but I can't help it. I try to get myself to do some chapters, but then I forget or either don't feel like doing it.

I want to get this book to 112 pages but I don't really have the motivation to do so anymore. I don't know if anyone is really interested in this book, so I would like for you all to tell me if I should continue this book or not 😊

If you say discontinue I will do 12 chapters on each of the signs separately and then close it. But if you say continue I will keep going on with the book, doing the same thing that I have been doing and then I will do the separate chapters on the signs.

I'm thinking about starting back on updating when Christmas break comes around.

So please comment what I should do 😄👍

Zodiac SignsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz