Chapter eight

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 Zayn's P.O.V

Alexa followed me anywhere and everywhere the following days. She was like a band-Aid that I was just waiting to throw away. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. And Gabriel didn't seem to care about my girlfriend. So it felt like all was for nothing. Now I just had an annoying girlfriend following me around every step I took in school. She even wanted to follow me home, she had asked several times. But every time I had just came up with a ridiculous excuse, like "I need to study", "I have wrestling today", "I'm with Sebastian" and "my other needs help with a thing". One day when she asked I said that I needed to study. She asked me what subject.

'Math', I answered quickly, remembering that I actually needed to study for a math test that we had next week. 

'Oh! I need to study math to!' she said excited and I just thought fuck, I forgot about that. 'We can study together, finally I get to be alone with you. Let's met here at your locker when the school is finished.'

She smiled, gave me a goodbye kiss and turned around to leave me.

After the school

Alexa sat down at my bed while I sat down at my couch, wanting to stay away from her as far as possible. We both opened up our math books and browsed to the pages we were suppose to study.

'Okay, algebra', I said. 'So, where should we begin? Should we question each other on the chapter or just read quietly in the book?' I asked Alexa.

Alexa looked up from the math book and bite her lip, like she was thinking. 'I don't know', she said. 'I'm a bit hungry, can we eat something first?'

I just asked you five minutes ago if you were hungry and you said no! I screamed angry inside my head to her. Okay, breath Zayn, think about Gabriel. 

'Yeah, sure', I said. 'I think we could grab something to eat.'

We went down to the kitchen and while Alexa made cereals I just ate an apple. We ate quietly until I finished my apple and she started to talk with me. The conversation went on for fifteen minutes until Alexa finally had eaten up her cereals. We went up to my room and this time when I sat down at the couch, Alexa sat down besides me. 

'So, hrm', I said. 'We can read quietly in the math book by ourselves.'

'Okay', she said and we started reading the chapter.

After a couple of minutes I was finished but I didn't want to tell Alexa this so I just pretended to read the pages while my thoughts just went to other stuff.

'I'm done', Alexa said. 'But there's one thing that I don't understand, can you help me?'

'Ehm ... well ... sure, what is it?' I asked.

She smiled and moved closer to me so that we both could see her book. 'This', she said and pointed at the page in her book.

I read the page and then started to explain what it meant to her. When I was finished she said that she still didn't understand. I started to explain the same thing to her again but this time slower. While I did this she put her arm around me, making us sitting even closer to each other. I kept on talking about the page while she started to kiss my cheeks and neck.

 'Eh ... Alexa, we need to study', I said.

'No', she said. 'Can't we just hang out, watch a movie or something?'

Ugh, I knew this was gonna happen. 'Alexa', I said, trying not to let my anger out, 'I can't fail on this test.'

She didn't care, instead she started to kiss my lips. She took the book from my hand and threw it at the floor.

'Alexa', I tried but she made me quiet by kissing my lips hard.

How am I suppose to get out of this situation?  I thought for myself. She kissed me for about five minutes and  kissed her back, not wanting her to think that I didn't like her. I thought about saying that I needed to go to the bathroom when my phone started to ring, saving me from this awkward situation. Alexa let go of me and I walked over to my desk where my phone was.

'Hello', I said in the phone.

'Hey', I heard Gabriel's voice say. 'It's Gabe, I was wondering if you were busy today?'

He sounded so sweet and innocent when he asked this that I almost felt bad for being busy. 'Eh ... kind of ... not. Why do you ask?'

'I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and study with me for the math test? I really need help and would appreciate if you said yes.'

'Eh ... Yes, of course I can help you', I lied. 

I was just about to say that I would leave my house in just five minutes when Alexa said:

'Zayn, who is it?'

'Is that Alexa?' asked Gabriel. 'I thought you said you weren't busy.'

'Eh ... yes it's Alexa. We are studying together. What I meant was that I could help you tomorrow, before our wrestling.'

'Okay, that works out for me', Gabriel said. 'Bye.'

And then he hang up before I had the time to say bye too, like he was angry or something.


A/N: I'm writing this story together with My friend @Sem044 !

Question: What do you think about Alexa?

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