A Field Trip to The ROM. (Quotes)

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A/N: These are all true events that happened during my History Classes field trip to the Museum. Ft. My messed up friends.

📍Downtown Toronto, Canada.

*Driving Down the Crowded Downtown streets*

James: There's no parking. You gotta go like four years that way and walk.

(My Personal Favourite)

Ang: It's pride month bitches. Watch out for the gays.


Jack: Ugh! I hate how many people live here.

Monique: Jack would you live here?

Jack: Yeah.


Morely: Are the Mongols from China?

Me: No. The Mongols are from Mongolia.

Since I'm an actual child...

*Pretends to be God by jumping on a the map of the world on the ground*

Tour Guide: You just jumped on the worlds population in 1744 .



James: Jordan you have to stop driving high it's unsafe.

Jordan: Actually I think I'm better when I'm high.

Me: It's an illusion dummy.

James: See Jordan? One day you're gonna Kill yourself or even worse someone else.

Jordan: Jameson. It's fine.
Jordan:....has anyone seen my Xanax?


*sees a group of 12 year old boys walk by*

Jordan: They all look like dicks.


*kid with Lime Green sweater passes by*

Tabby: Hey look! Mark Wazowski!

Ang: It's Mike.

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