his power

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Ever since the news of Rachel return it's caused quite an upbringing HQ resources have gone crazy fenrrir intelligence and Feldman are doing everything they can to gather as much information as they can

Gilbert:Rachel that son of a bitch!!

Ciel:is it true what the captain said Rachel returned from her the dead

Nana:theirs no way he lie the captain always been with us

Livie:Dr Rachel was consumed when the devouring apacolyse started but how could she have survive that

Sera:it doesn't make sense

Soon the ground began quake as I rush outside I see the spiral tree began to change as it looks more like a demonic flower that got enough to bloom and burst open

Y/n:the hell is that

Sera:the tree changed

Gilbert:it has to be Rachel it has to be

Nana:what about Julius he's still in there

Ciel:I Don't know but this is troubling fact is Rachel might still want to bring about the apacolyse

Y/n:I'll kill her if she tries

Sasaki:captain of blood special forces report to my office all god eaters go get your god arcs and hurry

Everyone scrambled to get to where they needed to go as I walk into the director office I was greeted by two familiar faces Gina and kannon

Gina:heheheheheh~ seems we come together again captain

Kannon:hey instructor I promise you I'm going to give three hundred percent today

Sasaki:I'll keep this brief as time is of the essence here before we begin I'll just quickly introduce you all

Sasaki begin to name the following turns out they were all members of to the branches defence units

Sasaki:these god eaters are the very back bone of the branch however they are also our most crital line of defence

Y/n:I see

Sasaki:I'm sure you know kannon and Gina the others are karel shun Brendan and of course tatsumi


Shun:well director what gives why did you call us back here

Karel:and if I don't get a pay out I'm out

Brendan:I'm interested as to see why kannon has taken you as her instructor

Tatsumi:I heard a bit about you captain it'll awesome to work with someone like you

Sasaki:indeed I'm expecting great things from you and of course the rewards are high now hibari will you please tell them as to what is happening

Hibari:of course our wide area link support device has picked up the signal of a large horde of aragami advancing towards the branch

Shun:damn sounds fun

Karel:heh seem like I might just get a pay day

Tatsumi:seriously a horde of aragami this will be tough

Brendan:let's hope we can drive them back

Before the tree had changed you were training not only kannon but erina a member of kota unit and practically the youngest god eater

Sasaki:I'm sure you know what this means

Y/n:we have to put a stop to the horde and ensure everyone's safety

Sasaki:taken right from my mouth normally hibari would be quite capable of handling an operation but this requires all our might to match

Hibari:in other words Fran urara teru and myself will be monitoring all of you to the best of our ability

Sasaki:this is a dangerous task I'm asking all of you to do I have but one thing to ask of all of you and it must happen

Sasaki stands up then adjusts his glasses before looking at each of us then looks at everyone seriously

Sasaki:come back alive that is an order

Outsider waited ruby had set up her position acting as a sniper with Gina and any other god eater

Yang and Blake where with haru protecting the cilvillains from the battle ahead Weiss was with me her legs were shaking Nora ren and jaune were acting as a team under sera command

Nana:here they come!!

Soon a true battle field open upon the branch aragami attacking in waves god eater killing one after the other


Half of my arm was already covered in the crystallized form of my blood rage as my blood rage activated red emporer tore through the aragami

Nana:no way

Y/n:what is it

Nana:there's more

Sera:you can't be serious

Tatsumi:whoa more of them alright I guess I can handle a few more

Shun:heh seems like quite the pay day better kill the ones with the high bounty

Karel:like I'm going to lose out in this

Gina:hehehehehe I bet the captain having a wonderful time~

Alisa:this is cradle alisa speaking sorry we're late

Soma:let's do this

Lindow:alright guys hold the line none one gets in and if they do thrash them

Fran:blood special forces your bias factors are nearing the red please fall back for bias factor checks

Ciel:captain I have a portable bias factor kit with me if your going to continue to fight in with you

Nana:let's slay em!!

Gilbert:keep them on their toes and cut through leave none of them standing!!

Ciel:without you I Don't I could have ever forseen these events tale place under your guidance and leadership you helped us overcome out weaknesses and now you continue to fight to strive in order to achieve what you want I'm with you captain more then I was before

Fran:wait the captain's vitals are changing their going frantic

Y/n:all my life I was used as a human test subject forced to endure all kinda of inhuman treatment but now I've crawled out of that hell and now I'm going to watch as I burn down Rachel world

The surge of blood powers activating all at once sent a bias factor that far exceeded any aragami bias factor but during the mist of things Romeo god arc reacted as a bright light almost like the sun shone through the aragami stopped attacking

Teru:what's going on

Urara:t-this aragami......

Fran:they all just.....

Hibari:stopped moving!?

As they stood there I could hear faint whispers as they began to leave heading back in the direction of the spiral tree

Nana:this power I know it

Gilbert:yeah me too



Y/n:you are watching over us aren't you Romeo

Ciel began report in as many of us headed back beaten and injured but alive none the less but what other plans does Rachel have planned
And done I hoped you enjoyed this i know it's been ages since I've made a chapter but I was putting my chapter making on hold until I got things sorted but I do hope I didn't keep you waiting long thank you for being patient for i hope it's well worth the wait but in any case thanks for reading and as always until next time bye ^_^

remnets eater of gods (RWBY x abused reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora