Chapter 2: An Unwelcome Presence

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The Glass-LT hurtled through space, elegantly ferrying its passengers toward their destiny.  Tony stood at the controls, trying to master being the captain of a space vessel.

"We'll most likely have to make a stop somewhere for fuel," Tony said as he watched the fuel meter slowly decrease.  It had been a day since the group had left HROT and they were already down to 3/4 of their fuel level.

"Alright then, once we're about halfway empty we'll make a stop somewhere," Crunk replied.  "But where?  There don't seem to be many colonized planets in the direction we're heading."

"We could always stop at Deckard.  That planet has quite the population," TF interjected.

"That hellhole?  No way, we'll be robbed before we even have a chance to exit the Glass-LT," Crunk said.

"No no, TF's right.  I've actually got an old friend on Deckard.  I'm sure he'll have our backs when we refuel," Tony explained. "Hell, we might be able to convince him to fight the Warnger with us."

"Sounds like Deckard is our best bet then," said TF.  "Anyways, I'm gonna head on over to my quarters to catch a bit of shuteye."

"Same here. Let us know if anything comes up," said Crunk.  With that, the two men left the bridge.

Kyle was sitting in his quarters, thinking about the future and the actions he would have to take during the war, when he was startled by a sudden knock on the door.  "It's me, Alicia," called the voice behind the door.

"Come in," Kyle replied.

Alicia entered the room and made herself comfortable next to Kyle on the bed.  She wrapped her arm around his and asked, "How have you been holding up?  You haven't really said much lately and I'm worried."

Kyle pulled Alicia in and kissed her on the cheek.  "You have nothing to be worried about.  I've just been thinking about what will happen when we encounter the Warnger, and where we'll go after all this is done."

Alicia smiled and replied, "Well, I have no doubt that no matter what, the outcome will be positive."  She looked at the ceiling and squeezed Kyle's arm.  "We're strong.  All of us are, and we've faced threats like this before.  The Warnger made a poor choice coming here."

As Alicia got up to exit the room, Kyle grabbed her arm.  "It's not just that."  There was a long pause before he continued, shivering, "I've been seeing visions lately.  Horrible visions, of...of NK Flo.  I think he's trying to take over my body."

Alicia looked back and said, "You need to mention this to Tony and the others.  This isn't an issue that only concerns you anymore.  This could put all of us in danger."  With that, Alicia exited Kyle's quarters. 

To Kyle's surprise, Hovermind floated in not even a minute after Alicia left the room.   He hovered before Kyle and, in a monotone voice, questioned, "Are you okay?"

Kyle was confused by Hovermind's sudden curiosity. "Uh, yeah? Why do you ask?"

"Okay," Hovermind replied blankly. He turned and hovered out of the room.

Kyle brushed off the encounter and began to think about how exactly he was going to explain the issue of NK Flo to Tony. 

Tony began making his way toward his quarters.  He was weary with insomnia.  He hadn't slept hardly at all ever since Scott had died.  The memories of that final battle plagued his dreams, and he had grown tired of having to watch Scott perish over and over again.  Still, he needed rest if he was going to be alert enough to protect his companions.

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