Fun with CM Punk?

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Hey Watt Padians!! I hate my iPad! I was writing this chapter and it didn't let it save >:( Cody is very angry!! Anyway I forgot to add CM Punk yesterday so in today's chapter it's Cody's day with Punk after being taught about the wonders of erections by mr. John Cena!


John awoke to the sound of loud knocking. He picked up Cody like he was a little kid and didn't give it a second thought. Cody moaned sleepily and wrapped his arms and legs around Cena. "Thank fucking Christ!! Do you have any idea ho-" Punk stopped mid rant when he caught sight of the georgous boy in John's arms. "Is that him?" He asked with a sudden softness as he stepped in and closed the door silently behind him.

"Yeah this is Cody." John walked back to the bed and sat with Cody still sleeping soundly. The straight edge superstar took a few steps foreword to see Cody and as if on cue the smallest man 's beautiful blue eyes fluttered open and he looked over at Punk sleepily. "This is the next guy to take care of you Codes." Cody nodded and unwrapped on arm from around the blonde's neck to rub the sleepiness out of his eyes.

Punk offered the boy a smile and asked "Ready to go eat?" The Georgian nodded and untangled himself from John and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once Cody had left Punk's hazel eyes glared into a pair of blue ones. "What the fuck did you do with Cody in your briefs?" he hissed out.

The blonde flinched at the angry tone of the other man and shrugged "Long story but I didn't touch him or anything." Cody padded out after going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth. "You have extra clothes in your bag." The smaller man smiled a little and grabbed his extra clothes once he was dressed he turned to look at the other men with a embarrassed smile.

"Does it look okay?"

"Yeah. You look really really good." Punk swallowed heavily and soaked in the image of Cody clad in skin tight black girls skinny jeans, knee high red converse, and a tight girls red tank top.

John smiled a little and hugged Cody "You look awesome Codes. Be good for Punk." He pulled on his clothes and walked out the door to his room with a sigh.

Punk cleared his throat before smiling down at Cody. "Come on then." He led the smaller man to his car and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he strained for something to break the silence. The younger reached out and played with the stero until he came to a song he liked. He sang along much to the amusement of Punk. "So you like The Pussy Cat Dolls?" He asked with a chuckle.

Blood rushed to Cody's cheeks and he looked out the window. "My dad only had old CDs." He said after a minute to try and defend himself.

Punk laughed and ruffled Cody's insanely soft hair, "Well I have to get you into other stuff Codes." He pulled into a I-Hop and got them a table. The straight edge superstar looked over at Cody and smiled when he saw him biting hisnlip and looking in-between two pictures on the menu. He was so adorable it made Punk almost want to cuddle with the younger boy and hide him away from everyone else.

"What can I get you sirs." A waiter asked with a friendly smile.

Cody nibbled on his lip before he said "Um can I please have the red velvet pancakes with strawberries."

He nodded and turned to Punk "And you sir?"

"Normal pancakes with a side of fruit please." He handed the menus over and smiled at Cody. "So your a fan of sweets?"

"Yeah." He blushed lightly and played with his hand. Punk smiled softly and picked up Cody's soft hand. The tanner boy blushed a little deeper and played with the older mans hand.

The waiter came back with the two plates of pancakes and placed them down "Enjoy you two." he smiled and walked away. Cody picked up his fork and knife and started to cut his pancakes into small eatable pieces. Punk ate his quickly and once he was done he looked over at Cody and smiled at just seeing the cute boy.

Cody pushed his plate away once he was done and stretched a little. "Thank you for taking me out for pancakes." He said with a smile.

He smiled and got up, "Well I had fun with you." He wrapped an arm around the Georgians shoulders and led him to the counter to pay. Cody wrapped an arm around his waist and giggled a little.


Author break!!!! I didn't mean for it but Punk is the nicest out of the bunch O.o anyway since Cody is too lazy for them to go eat lunch and stuff we are skipping to them back in Cody's room at like 9ish or so *shrugs* anyway hope you all like it!


Punk laughed and wrapped his arm around Cody's middle as they watched a Madea movie. The day he spent with Cody had to have been one the best days he had ever spent with anyone else. They had gone shopping so Cody had more than just one change of clothes, ate lunch, and they even stopped in a game stop so Cody could look at games he like. The younger of the two rested his back on Punk's chest and had his arms around Punk's. "So what did Cena teach you yesterday?" he asked curiously.

"He taught me about when a guy gets "excited"." Cody said without thinking and laughed.

The straight edge's hazel eyes narrowed "What exactly did he teach you?"

"About how when it gets excited it gets all hard and stuff." He shrugged and yawned a little. He turned so his chest was pressed against Punk's and he fell asleep with his head resting on his shoulder.

Punk reached out for the phone and dialed John's number. "Hello?"

"What the fuck were you teaching him about?!?! What happened?! What the fuck did you do to teach him about erections?!?!" He hissed out quietly

John got quiet before asking "Well what can we do now?" He hung up before the other man could retort anything.

Punk growled and carried Cody to the bed before sliding off his shirt and laying down next to him. The younger one cuddled into Punk and almost ALMOST stopped his anger. He sighed and kissed his head before whispering "You have no idea what you do to us."


Chapter 2 is done!!!! So whatcha think people? :D Comment! Review! Vote!

Doves and Drugs,

Cody :D

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