Hidden gems

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" Where did you get that?"Gray, asked his friend Johnny

" Doodles found it yesterday. " Johnny replied.

"Whereabouts?" Gray was sounded excited

"In the quarry behind one of Dads buildings, we were playing around with a zaggawoosh, Doddles had got it for her

Birthday", Johnny added as his mind wandered. "When it was my turn, it flew right over the top of the building,

completely disappearing from view." Johnny said.

" Really that's incredible!" He had, a zaggawoosh it was his best toy when he was younger, the magic of it, when it was

thrown up into the air it always came back to you. Something to do with the aerodynamics. Gray was trying to picture

the scene
" Johnny, stop right there! it's my story, let me explain." Doodles wanted to tell the tale in her words. "When the

zaggawoosh didn't come back, Johnny and I ran to the back of the building, there, lying on its side caught up in the

lichen, was the zaggawoosh, what we didn't notice was underneath the lichen were metal bars covering up a drain. Our

sudden stopping when we saw the zaggawoosh created a small gust of wind which lifted it off the bar turning it

sideways only to disappear down into the drain. Hesitatingly waiting for the sound of a splash, nothing happened, no

sound.  oh my god! how deep was the drain? We both crawled on our knees to peer through the bars to see if there was

any sign of the zaggawoosh. I noticed, ( Doodles exaggerated her words to get a hidden point over) steps leading down

into the void."

Johnny butted in, "It was at this point that I knew I didn't want to go down the steps and thought Doodles should, she

on the other hand thought I should. Our voices were raised in a heated debate though no amount of complaining from

Doodles was going to change my mind, in the end, I won,"said Johnny proudly "Doodles went down there."

Doodles carried on "It's was so, so, creepy, I was trembling with fear, the dark, wet, slimy walls wanted to touch me the

freezing cold ladder wanted to hold me, forcing myself to tread carefully on each wrung, I climbed down into the void. I

kept chatting to myself out loud in case there was anyone there. I think I thought it might scare who ever was at the

bottom, off." Doddles let out a slightly hysterical laugh, Gray joined in, he felt nervous, his mind had reached the bottom

of the ladder conjuring up ghosts, phantoms swooping around looking for victims.

Doodles carried on. "Reaching the last rung of the ladder I glanced around, my anxiety was getting the better of me. I

could make out the ground, jumping down I adjusted my eyes. Turning around cautiously stepping away from the

ladder, beams of light were streaming from somewhere above my head, I looked up to see where they were coming from,

the brightness blinded me. I brought my hand up to shield my eyes then carefully opened up my fingers to see if I could

make out where the light was coming from. As I looked through the gaps around my fingers I could see stars twinkling

down at me, millions of tiny stars. Wow it is so beautiful not sure how long I stood there dreaming, it was the cold that

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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