It Happened in a Burger King Parking Lot

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     You know those moments you would love to replay, or want to change? Well, believe me, I’ve had plenty of them… but not as bad as the one I’m about to tell you about. Let’s start on the day before my disaster struck. It was the summer of 2012, just before school ended. I got a phone call from a very important person, who –in less than 24 hours- changed my life. But I’ll tell you the story from the beginning. It all started the Monday before school was let out…

     Sitting in my shiny new corvette, I waited for my best friend, Kennedy Wilding. She may not have been late for anything in her life, but she was never early either. I sat there in the driver’s seat, drumming along to the tune of Taylor Swift’s new song, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. Rumor had it, her newest album comes out in October, and I cannot wait to get it.

     After the song finished, I heard One Direction’s hit single, What Make’s You Beautiful start. I groaned, hitting the off button on my radio. I hated that band with so much passion, it wasn’t funny. I don't see what girls found so interesting about four British boys, and an Irish guy. They were normal people, like you and me. I guess when Simon Cowell said they were good singers, he was delusional. I found no ounce of talent in any of those boys. I mean, they say they would date a fan, but look at those two in the band… um… Lewis and Leo or something. They were dating freaking supermodels… well, maybe that’s just exaggeration, but you know what I mean! Eleanor Calder and Danielle Peazer are like, the new it girls or whatever you want to call them, just because of One Direction. I won’t lie and say they’re not pretty, because to tell the truth, Eleanor is super pretty and so is Danielle, but the fact that One Direction said they –and I quote– ‘they would date a fan’ is a little overwhelming. They get the girls’ hopes up, and when they all get girlfriends who aren’t fans, who will be crushed? The fans!

Just as I finished rambling, Kennedy slipped into the passenger side seat, turning on the radio. I hadn’t realized how long I was rambling to myself, but it was long enough of What Make’s You Beautiful to be over.

     “Taylor, let’s go before Carson and Jackie beat us to Burger King!” Kennedy whined. I smiled at her energy. She was always one to… I’m not sure there’s a neither general nor specific word for her behavior, to be honest.

     ”Kennedy, we won’t be late, I promise you” I laughed at my best friend.

     She also never liked to be late for things… Like school, sleep, and all that stuff. I for one could care less. It’s almost summer and I want to enjoy it before I start my senior year next year. I’m hoping to get into NYU or any other performing arts school. You see, as a child I loved to document things going on around the house, and play manager as my dad did his work. It was like my little job around the house, after my mom died of cancer when I was only five years old. As much as I miss her, I know she would love it if I became the manager I’ve always wanted to be. As did I want to be a manager, I wanted to manage someone famous, like Taylor Swift, or Lady Gaga, as long as it wasn’t One freaking Direction. Oops, I guess I spoke too soon, because now One Thing started playing.

     I groaned once again, knowing my blonde haired best friend would start belting out the lyrics. Kennedy is what people call a Directioner. She loves One Direction with her life, and nothing less. Her bedroom walls are covered in their faces. Harold, Leo, Lewis, Zane, and Neil, I think their names were. Whatever, I never paid attention anyways. And Kennedy wonders why I don't sleepover at her house as often anymore.


     That was it, I had lost it. I turned off the radio, and tried to get to Burger King as quick as possible without another One Direction song. I looked my right, and saw my blonde frowning.

      “What was that for?” she asked, hurt by my actions.

     I glared at her, before answering “You know I hate their music”

     “You don't have to be such a Daisy Downer. You could have just told me”

     “When? When you stopped belting out the lyrics to one thing? That boy band is a stupid waste of time”

     “Don’t you dare say that about my babies! Take that back, or else I’ll have to tell Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry” she threatened.

     I glared at her, “How would you do that? You don't even know how to contact them! And are those their names? Hm… maybe I should start paying attention” I snickered.

     Kennedy let out a loud sigh, and gave up. She knew she would have no chance against my hatred of this band, and so did everyone at school. Hell, all the Directioners at my school started a hate group about me because of how much I disliked them. The rest of the ride was silent. Not the comfortable kind either, the awkward kind when you don't know what to talk about.

     Just as I pulled up to Burger King, my phone rang. I pulled it out, and looked at the caller ID. It wasn’t anyone I knew, so I guess they just got my number. I decided to just answer it.

     “Hello?” I asked into the phone.

    “Hello there dear. Is this Taylor Jackson?” he said, on the other line.

     Little did I know that the phone call I got, would change my life for the better, until proven otherwise.


Hehe! This is my very first Fan Fiction, EVER!! So, I hope y'all like it (: So, I guess Taylor is pretty happy about the phone call... I wonder who it was, and why they called. But, she seems pretty happy, so it has to be good!

Hint; Meeting who she's working with!!


or as I like to say...

VOMMAN (: See! I can make up new words too! Take THAT Wattpad! :P

Anywho, are there any Swifties out there too, who can't wait for her new Album to come out in October? I just can't get enough of We Are Never Getting Back Together. It's on replay... ALL DAY, AND ALL NIGHT! SO GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT OF MY HEAD, AND FALL INTO MY ARMS INSTEAD! Oops. sorreh, I broke out in lyrics again didn't I? Lol, well, until my next update!


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