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Collecting my courage and the nerve to move my feet again, I was seemingly at one with the entity driving me towards my goal. Peeking outside the wolf was patiently waiting for me just at the edge of the village. I walked the same trail I made through the tall grass until I returned to my long skid mark down the dirt road. I swallowed down what bravery I could muster and faced the adversary before me. “Dun Dun Dun!” I drew my sword and held both hands around it tightly, the old cloth encasing the handle was pleasant despite the wear on it. Kicking up a large gust of dust I was back at full speed heading directly at the wolf. It stood as I advanced almost relieved I was making my move. Claws digging into soil and pointed ears folding back against his skull I will admit I was terrified but at this point to back out now would mean certain death. I had the reach on my side and the only tactic coming to mind was to swing just within range to land a hit. If he charges me it will be close but I should be out of range, putting my existence into the simple notion of playing it safe I stopped short of the large beast. His paws never passing into the village border he took a large chomp at me as I swung with everything I had, Eyes closed and all hope on the chance I struck a fatal blow.

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