Sugar The Bat

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*****Dahvie's POV*****
"You guys wanna know something?"
I said to the camera as I spun around in my chair.
"I want a bat. Like one of those sugar gliders. Someone buy me a sugar glider."
I said once I stopped spinning.
"Bats are so adorable, and my mommy said I could have one, but I don't know where to get one!" I whined.

"And yes. I just said mommy. Go fuck yourself."
I flipped off the camera, and continued to spin around in my chair. Suddenly I stopped spinning,
"Oh my fucking satan, guess what happened to me the other day? Go on, guess. Do it." I said pausing for a couple seconds, before continuing on.

"Some asshole decided to trash my fucking car. Faggot was written on the windows and kill yourself was written on the hood with paint, and whoever did it also slashed my cars tires. Aren't people just fucking great?"
I said sarcastically, before shutting off the camera.

I sighed before I got up and began getting ready for school. Personally, I didn't give a fuck what I wore today. But might as well look a bit decent. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, with a Motley Crüe shirt, and pair of converse. I got my hairspray and spiked up the top of my hair as well, finishing just as my alarm to wake up went off. I shut it off and grabbed my backpack, before leaving my room. I hadn't slept, so I was pretty sure I looked like some sort of zombie with colorful, spiky hair, but I didn't really give a shit. It's not I had anybody to impress.

I knew I would probably fall asleep in class, and it would earn me a detention, but I couldn't be bothered staying home, it would just make everything worse for me. After Jayy left last night, my mother had gotten a call from the principal, saying my car had been trashed.

I had disappeared upstairs, and locked myself in the bathroom, turning on the shower, but not getting in...


I pulled up my sleeves and ran my fingers over the faded scars. I hadn't cut in two months, I hadn't even thought of it. But all that went out the fucking window, because now people were back to being assholes when I didn't even do anything.

I had been doing such a good job at being invisible, but then Jayy started talking to me, and everything went to shit. I hit my head against the bathroom door and closed my eyes.
"No, no, no."
I whispered to myself with my eyes shut.

I heard a knock at the door and my mom talking,
"Jésus, are you alright?"
She asked, and I groaned internally.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just taking a shower."
I lied.
"Alright, well don't take to long. I'm going to the school to get your car."
She said.
"Yeah, okay."
I mumbled in reply.

She left and I waited until I heard the front door slam shut. Then I jumped up and began searching for my blades...
And of course, what happened after that, was something I probably would regret sooner or later.

*flashback end*

It had been a week since the incident with my car, and I had only put up one video on my channel. But I was so out of it, I just couldn't focus enough to do another.
Hell, I couldn't even stay awake in class. It was fifth period, and I half asleep drifting off, only once again.

I was rudely awoken by something hitting the back of my head, and people laughing. My head shot up.
"That's an hour of detention, Mr.Torres."
My bitch of an algebra teacher said.
"Fuck this."
I muttered, but she heard me and hit me in the back of the head with the book once again.
"Two hours now. Do you want to make it three?"
She snapped. By now, everyone's heads had turned and were watching me, including Jayy.

I muttered and no and she walked back to the front of the class, continuing her lecture on whatever the hell we were doing. I sat up up, pulled my sleeves over my hands and kept my head down, not really caring if I got in trouble again.

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