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  *******Trigger warning: Suicide***** 

The cold metal of the razor blade pressed into the Lizzy's pale skin. She had lost count of how many attempts at ending her life this was. She had come to the conclusion long ago that she didn't want to live. Life was too hard, and being alone only made it harder. 

Her hands shook as she tried to press the blade farther into her arm. Blood started to trickle down her arms as pain started to run over her body. At one point the her hand shook too much and she dropped the blade like she had a few times before. The marks were across her arm now. She had tried so many times now but the pain always made her stop. She wanted to give up but the voice started to push her forward again

Come on. It's so easy. You want to be free don't you? Find a different way if you are too scared of the pain 

 Lizzy looked around the room for another method. Her eyes landed on the pill bottle on the cabinet by the door. Her mother had left the sleeping pills in her room. Lizzy had asked for them so she could sleep peacefully. Her parents had been giving her the pill every night but kept the bottle away from her for fear she would try to overdose. Her mother must have forgotten it last night. 

It would be quick and painless. You would just drift into a peaceful sleep 

 It was true. Just going to sleep would be the easiest way. Lizzy pulled herself off the cold and walked over to the bottle. There was still about half a bottle left. All she had to do was swallow the pills and she would be free, her friends would be free, her family would be free. Everyone would be free from having to deal with her anymore. She could tell by the looks they gave her they were tired of dealing with her.

You're nothing but a burden to them anyway. If you end it now, their lives would be better. Things will be better once you are gone. 

Lizzy open the bottle and poured the pills into her hand. She stared down at them all sitting in her hand. All she had to do was lift her hand and she would be free. However she couldn't move her hand. It was as if she was frozen in place. Fear had set in again. Fear that something would go wrong and she would be left in more pain. Fear that she would make herself more of a burden to those around her. 

Like many times before Lizzy put the pills back into the bottle. She then back up and slid down the wall crying. All she wanted to do was to die and escape this living hell she called life. She was afraid every day of what new torture each day would bring her way. However she was too afraid to die. 

And thus another suicide attempted ended in failure like the rest of them. With Lizzy crying and a voice in her head taunting her



Hey everyone. Sorry if this is really heavy 

As I said before this a way for me to let go of some of my pain from the past.

I'm sorry if this scares anyone. I promise it won't always be this bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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