
39 2 0


Initiating system reboot...



Initiating system reboot...



Initiating system reboot...



Initiating system reboot...

Rebooting... Please wait.

Reboot successful.

Major systems online.

Mobility functions fully operational.

Scanning. Current location: Room 23-SC of Main Bunker Alpha. Current time: ERROR. Damage to chronometer detected. Repairs required. Seek maintenance.

Exiting Room 23-SC. Current location: Hallway Level 2-8. No human presence detected.

Turn on low-light mode? True. No human presence detected.

Turn on roaming mode? True.

Roaming... Foreign artifact detected. Scanning. Ash identified. No human presence detected.

Roaming... Foreign artifact detected. Scanning. Skull identified. Analyzing further. Origin: human male. Human presence detected. Refining parameters...

No living human presence detected.

Roaming... Foreign artifact detected. Scanning. Unknown. Searching archives...

Possible match detected; Lutefisk: gelatinous foodstuff made from aged stock fish and lye.

Analyzing further. State of decay: 0%. Strong possibility of living human presence.

Facility scan is complete. There is a 99.997% chance that there is no living human presence within Main Bunker Alpha.

Conduct second sweep? False.

Loading... Please wait.

Loading... Please wait.

Decision matrix results: 367, 892.

Loading... Please wait.

High-priority matrix results: 150,301.

Loading... Please wait.

High-priority matrix results: 149,574.

Loading... Please wait.

Unable to cull further results.

149, 574 matrix results have been designated High Priority.

Searching for further commands.

Scanning for human presence.

No human presence detected.

Loading... Please wait.

Initiating random number generator.

Random number generator result: 19, 432.

Initiating matrix operation 19, 432.

Approaching lutefisk artifact. Manipulate lutefisk artifact? True.


DECISION MATRIX RESULTS: 1, 900, 300, 200, 333, 33#, 333, 3##, 3#3, #########

ThreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora