Hey, do you like me? - Part 7

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I saw him again, Josh. He was at Reina's locker talking to Reina. He had a notebook in his hands and was seemingly explaining something to Reina from his notebook. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't just stand around and do nothing. I walked up to Reina and Josh and tapped on Reina's shoulder. She looked up at me and I just smiled, dumbly. I was so stupid, I should have thought of what to say before actually going up to her. I thought of all the possible things I could ask her and ended up asking her, "What was English homework?" I cringed as soon as those words came out of my mouth. 

"Umm, homework was to read chapter 4 to 7 of the book," she answered. I nodded thankfully and just stood there. I didn't want to leave. I starred at Josh and Josh, who was looking at Reina, started to stare back. 

"Is he your classmate?" Josh asked Reina, emphasizing on the word "classmate". Reina looked up from her notebook puzzled. She didn't know what was going on, she was so innocent. I answered for her.

"Ya, I'm her classmate. Mater of fact, I'm her boyfriend," I said, emphasizing on the word "boyfriend". Reina, wide-eyed, looked up at me and started to open her mouth to say something, but I think with the shock, nothing came out of her mouth. Josh looked surprised too. His forehead crinkled and he inquired, 

"Really? Is that true, Rei-" We were interrupted by the school bell. So Josh rushed off with a last suspicious look at me. Reina just stood there, staring at the ground, she seemed too shocked to function. I nudged her and said playfully, 

"C'mon, Reina. The bell rang." She looked up at me the last time, and she walked off to her class.

Next class was Spanish class, which meant I had to come up with a good reason to tell Reina why I called her my girlfriend. I starred out the window while thinking. Part of me was not regretful of my move, but the other part of me was. I felt bad for getting Reina tangled up in such a situation. But I felt proud for making Josh so shocked. 

The bell rang and I dashed to Spanish class, hoping to get to the class before Reina. I sat down and waited for Reina, excited to see how she was going to enter the room. Then I saw her, she walked into class as she looked down at the floor. She sat in her chair quietly and just nodded when I greeted her. Reina didn't seem like herself, she was always so cheerful and bouncy, but she looked so gloomy. Was it because I said that she was my girlfriend in front of Josh? Did she not want to be my girlfriend for real? 

We were quiet for the first few minutes of the class. Then Reina broke the silence with the question I've been waiting to hear,

"Um, why did you say that I am your girlfriend?" I looked over at her, she was looking at her notebook and was fidgeting with her pencil. I was excited to tell her my reasoning because it was somewhat a good one, but my excitement dropped as I saw her look so sad. 

"I, uh, said that you were my girlfriend because I wanted to fool someone. And since she was passing by us, I decided it was a good timing to fool her," I responded. 

"Is this 'someone', Megan?" Reina asked, still looking down at her notebook. I perked up. It was silent for a while as I tried to think whether I should say that it was Megan or not. I mean my only choice was Megan since Reina probably already thought that Megan and I were "a thing".

"Ya," I replied. Reina's eyebrows saged. 

"Oh, I thought so," I heard Reina mumble under her breath. 

"What?" I asked. She shook her head as if saying "nothing". She looked up at me, finally, and smiled. But I knew it wasn't a real smile since her dimples weren't showing; she was faking a smile. 

For the rest of Spanish class, we talked and teased around like we always do, but something was wrong. I felt as if something was wrong, I just didn't know what it was. It was the end of Spanish class when I realized what was wrong. I was thinking over what had happened between me and Reina in Spanish and realized. I stopped walking in the middle of the school halls. I never saw Reina's dimples during the class. Usually, when we tease around and talk together I will see her dimples at least 5 times. That was one of the reasons why I liked her, seeing her smile and her dimples rise up on to her cheeks. Today, she was smiling, but never with dimples. 

It was the end of the day and as I was walking out of the school, I spotted Reina in the library. She was talking to someone, but I couldn't see the person she was talking to. I went into the library and stood at a shelf nearby where Reina was sitting and pretended to read a book. I was standing behind a shelf, so Reina wasn't able to see me. I looked through the slits in the shelves and realized that the person she was sitting with was Josh. Irritation inched up my back and I was about to walk up to Josh once more, but I paused as I heard Josh say "your boyfriend". I tiptoed back to my spying spot and listened to what they were talking about. 

Josh: "So, is that dude actually your boyfriend?"

Reina: "No, he was just using me to fool someone else, I guess."

Josh: "Oh. Are you ok? You look so gloomy today."

Reina: "Ya, I'm fine, I'm just a little upset."

Josh: "About?"

Reina: "Mmm, the thing is, I don't know what to expect from Michael."

Josh: "What do you mean?"

Reina: "Like, one minute he is nice and talking to you, the next minute he is just using you to fool someone. I don't know who he is anymore. Is he Megan's boyfriend? Is he my friend? Or is he just a regular classmate and am I nothing to him? I just want the old Michael back..."

Josh starred at Reina, as she fidgeted with her pencil and looked down into her lap. Josh smiled understandingly after a while of silence. He patted Reina's shoulder. I didn't know what to think. I dashed out of the library leaving Josh and Reina together. I didn't really care about Josh anymore. As I walked home, I thought over what Reina had said. 

She wasn't wrong. I could see why she is confused about what I think of her because I am confused too. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to be Megan's boyfriend, but I don't want to upset Reina. I don't want to be just Reina's classmate. I don't want to be just her friend either. I want to tell her, but I don't want any other person knowing, I want just the two of us to know. I sighed. You know what, I also wanted my old self back.

Hey, do you like me? - True Crush storyWhere stories live. Discover now