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I tripped twice this morning

On the same freaking stair

To my first class of the day

And old gum was on my chair.

It hadn't been a great day

And the bell hadn't even rung

When I noticed that my fly was down

And drank coffee that burnt my tongue.

In English I dropped my pencil

And bent over to pick it up

But I hit my head sitting up again

And yipped like a frightened pup.

The worst part about that

Is I kind of really like this guy Bert

Who sits right in front of me

But he laughed and that was what hurt.

At lunchtime I was optimistic

Because what could go wrong

But I'll tell you that bananas are bad

And the pain in my butt is strong.

Math oh God help me please

There was a chill down my spine

When I realized we'd had homework

And I hadn't even looked at mine.

Well the day finally ended

I cannot say if I was saved by the bell

As I still had to walk on home

But I was out of this personal hell.

I got home without accident

But mother wanted to know

How I got my two black eyes

When outside it started to snow.

It was really nice out there

And I curled up on my bed

Icepack in one hand and tea in the other

As I nursed the bump on my head.

Not so bad at all really

I said wrapped in sweater and hood

Warm enough to convince me that

Well I've got it pretty good.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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