Chapter 1

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It's been several months since the 10th Nova clash rocked both East and West Genetics. I don't think I could ever forget that day.

I remember how the celebration of the our victory over the so-called hierarchy of West Genetics suddenly transformed into a panic-induced scramble for survival. I remember the cry of mourning that echoed across campus for days after the attack. The relief following our own survival was quickly swallowed up by grief for the many lives that we had lost.

I continued to scroll through the catalog of casualty reports. The list of names never seemed to end as I took time to study the picture attached to each file. I felt it was part of my duty to remember the dead. I could feel the burden of each person's unfinished work, a solemn responsibility to carry on the fight for every one of them.

Amidst my thoughts and memories, my tablet suddenly disappeared from my hands. I looked up at my friend Simeon Haderlie in surprise. "You'll drive yourself mad with this thing," Simmie said as he held my device hostage.

I could only manage to stare blankly. My weary mind failed to produce a reaction before I let out a simple sigh in defeat.

He was right. I'd been doing this over and over again for months, exhausting myself under the burden of the dead.

Even the World Carnival hadn't been enough to relieve my stress. I'd embarrassed myself and my team by being beaten in the quarter-finals of the tournament.

I was the only member of West Genetics' top 5 Aces to lose to someone not from our school. Of course, Simeon ended up winning the whole thing. Thank God.

The battle royale was even worse. I didn't even make it to the final 16 in that, and Simmie had to bring it home for us again.

I had to get it together. I knew that. My friends were still with me, but at this point, I didn't feel worthy to lead them. Even if they still expected me to.

My ranking had been completely tarnished. I had gone from Rank 1 at West Genetics to Rank 7, and I was officially ranked 18th in the world.

Meanwhile, Simmie, Hiro, Frederick, and Louis had stormed the world rankings, now holding 1, 2, 4, and 5 respectively.

I was suddenly drawn back to reality by a hard slap to the side of my head. Simmie was leaning close to my face. "Come on, mate. Get ahold of yourself."

I thought about getting mad and hitting him back, but I just didn't have it in me. I sighed. "I'm sorry," I muttered. "I just don't know..."

"Enough of this, (F/n)!" Simmie suddenly shouted. I couldn't help but jump a little. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you that! Our schoolmates are dead! You lost at the Carnival! Bollocks it is, but, bloody hell, we've got to move on!"

I was too shocked to respond. I didn't know what to say.

"This trip we're on is too important for you to be drowning in your own self-pity!" Simeon continued. "We need you!"

I looked at the other three members of our team, who stared back at me with hope in their eyes.

"Why?" I couldn't but ask. "You're number 1 now, Sim. You carried this team through the Carnival. Why do you need me?"

"Easy," Simeon answered. "All of us here outrank you. Hell! Teddy and Colin outrank you, but we all know and the headmistress knows that you're still the best fighter we've got."

I shook my head and dismissed the argument, but Simeon went on.

"And regardless of what you think, or even what the rankings say, we all know that you are the strongest Ace in the whole damn world."

I couldn't help but look around again. Each gaze I met was sure. Determined. Ready. Ready to follow me into battle. Ready to follow me into whatever awaited us at our destination.

Then a voice came over the speakers. "Attention: we're on our final approach to E-Pandora headquarters. Prepare for landing."

The Ace of Spades: Freezing Vibration x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now