A Boy

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December 5, 2018

Before you go either, UwU or Gross! This ain't 'bout a boy I like.

Today iin my class we got new seating plans, why? Because of me and because of a Boy. This boy in my group slapped me, punched me, told me to kill myself, insulted me and pulled my hair. Honestly he is a big guy, much taller than me and is more fit than I am, BUT his hits didn't actually hurt that bad so my problem was not with that although it is rude as Frick. Also his insults and threats weren't the problem either. I just didn't want to be abused at school so I told my Amazing teacher, she is so nice, and said that we could change them because she doesn't want that happening to me. So now I sit with two other girls and a Boy. All super nice people too.

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