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Third person POV

The war is over, there is nothing left, Naruto thought to himself . He had lost all hope awhile ago when kaguya killed Sasuke with one of her rods that shot out of her hands, Naruto wasn't able to save Sasuke from being impaled by a rod. Naruto was lost in thought when Naruto heard Kurama calling my name repeatedly as to get his attention."Yes Kurama," Naruto responded in a dull voice. "There might be a way to save everyone..." in Naruto's mindscape he snaps his head and looks at Kurama, a spark of hope and determination flashes through his eyes for a split second, Kurama continus talking and explains the risk of the jutsu,"...we don't know what will happen if it isn't performed perfectly, so do you want to try the jutsu?" "there really isn't anything left to lose, so yes, lets try the jutsu!"he said gaining determination.

A few days later...

Everything was ready for Naruto to go back in time, "Everything is set, are you ready to go back in time Kit?" Kurama asked Naruto. "I've been ready.' Naruto states with some excitement starting to seep into his voice. Then everything went black.

Naruto Bleach crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now