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ROSALEEN WENT BACK TO SEE THE DEMONSTRATION. Her parents weren't too interested in what she was doing, not for lack of caring, but simply because their daughter was never one to do anything too dangerous. Of course, she did have a habit of trying to chase down the biggest bad guy of the week in the hopes of catching a glimpse of one of the vigilantes or, maybe, even one of the Avengers; maybe even the X-Men, though they kept to their own problems most of the time.

But it was their lack of any real suspicion of their daughter that she was able to head out once again to the same science museum that she didn't understand why she was so drawn to.

Of course, this time was different, she did know why she was heading over, and that was why she was walking with purpose rather than aimlessly, as if just waiting for something interesting to happen to her. In a way, she was seeking it out.

She was surprised to find there was a bit of a crowd, but that was what happened when Oscorp did anything, it gathered a good deal of attention. She wished she was smart enough to apply for the internship program that girl had been talking about—Gwen, her name was. Rosaleen had looked it up as soon as she got home, and she wished she ran in the circles that made it so she could have these opportunities.

But what was done was done and her main focus now was simply finishing her summer homework and squeezing by to see the demonstration. The crowd wasn't solidified yet, which made sense as she had come an hour earlier, but she figured she could get settled to make sure she would have a good view.

There was a large stage with Oscorp tech strewn about. Stark tech was the main branding in the world, but that didn't mean the other companies were entirely out of a job, Oscorp focusing on research, Eastaughffe Co. more on the level of Pym Tech on the West Coast, their focus not on the same brand of technology Stark Industries focused on, and so many others in the world having their own branches. 

Rosaleen herself couldn't afford Stark tech, so she had the cell phones made by Eastaghffe Co. They were amazing in their own right, but Stark tech was always going to be superior, though Oscorp was trying to come up with their own phone line that were promised to soar far about Eastaghffe's line.

She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts, eyes trained on the stage and the equipment, that she hardly noticed the girl with her head buried in her notes, trying to remain calm as she prepared for the demonstration, the two colliding with each other head-on, nearly falling if it wasn't for both of them reaching out to right the other.

"I am so sorry!" the girl cried, and Rosaleen shook her head, trying to speak past the pain in her nose, but perked up as the girl continued, "Oh! Hey, it's you! Rosaleen, right? You came back for the demonstration!"

Rosaleen tried not to look too pained as she nodded, finally allowing herself to look down at the grinning girl who was buzzing with both nerves and excitement. "I did, what did it end up being about?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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