Chapter 2-So Stubborn

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*Ariana's POV*

It isn't going to be hard to find the main highway. I've been walking for about 14 hours now, and the sun is going to start setting soon. I take out the map that I keep in my backpack for situations like this, and sigh. According to the map, it'll be another 3 hours of walking before I can even catch a glimpse of the Louisville city lights.

"God. Why do I have to live so freakin far away from Louisville?" I ask no one in particular. I'm immediately ashamed. What am I thinking, talking to myself like anyone is even here to listen? I wish my mind would just stop. And besides, I don't live anywhere anymore.

At least the walk isn't boring. Everywhere I look there are beautiful old trees leaning over the white fences that define their boundaries. I examine their bright green leaves as I pass, trying to remember my mother's lessons about identifying types of trees. I'm able to get a glimpse of what I think are oak trees, gleaming in the warm sun.

I remember the times that my mother would take me to the park. She would help me climb up onto an old tire held by the large limbs of the tree and braided ropes. She would swing me back and forth and laugh at my little-girl antics.

Mom...why aren't you here?

Sighing, I look down at my worn-out running shoes. They are so dirty that I can barely see the Nike logo on them.

My first thought is that I need to replace them, and then I realize that that requires money. And I would have to have a job for that.

I continue to pass stereotypical Kentucky farms as I walk, not focusing on anything but FORWARD, when I hear a strange sound.


I look further down the road and see a HUGE four legged black animal. It has a big white mark down its face. All four of its massive legs have furry hair all over them. The animal is inside the fence and staring right at me.

"Huh. You seem friendly."

When I catch up to it, it's obviously a horse. Still, I had always thought that horses were a bit... smaller. This thing is towering over me. When it's standing upright, his mouth is right over my head. I'm not really sure what the point of a horse this big is, but then it hits me- I could ride him.

"Do you want to be the answer to my prayers and take me to town, horsie?" I ask him, rubbing his velvety nose.

He glares at me and then to my surprise shakes his head. I giggle at his excitement.

"Awwww. Thank you!"

I climb over the fence and face his left side. I stroke his neck and play with his mane. His huge head turns around and nudges me on the shoulder.

"Well, ok then," I say as I grin.

There is no way I can jump on this thing. He is too tall.

"I know what to do! Wait! You need a about Tiny?" I've always had a gift for irony.

He shakes his head yet again, and now I know that it's the start of a great friendship. He sure is cute.

I climb back over the fence and to my surprise, Tiny comes over and aligns himself to the fence. I laugh at his adorable face as he arches his neck and lets out another nicker.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman."

Holding on to my backpacks, I climb on his back, swinging my right leg over. I grab his coarse black mane and hug him with my legs. No way am I falling off. From this height, I would probably break my neck.

I've never ridden a horse before. It's kind of like I'm in a western movie. "Tiny and the cowgirl! Sounds like a good movie title, huh?" I ask the horse.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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