The Rugby Player and Me

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Hi guys!! I'm Mia and this is The Rugby Player and Me, my first book on Wattpad. I'd like to start this book with a few notes. Just a reminder that you don't have to have a large knowledge of rugby in order to understand this book.

Firstly, thank you for taking a chance The Rugby Player and Me. Your support means the absolute world to me and I can't express how grateful I truly am. Writing is my passion and I'm so glad that Wattpad is a completely free site where I can get my work out there.

Secondly, let me know what you think! Any positive feedback and constructive criticism is a huge help in improving my writing. THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT. It is not perfect. If you see a mistake, it would be great if you could point it out. Leave a comment, or maybe even a vote! That being said, any hate or nasty comments will be reported and removed.

Lastly, this is MY book. All characters are completely fictional and any resemblance they have to people in real life are coincidences. Also, as this is my book, DO NOT STEAL MY WORK. I have worked really hard on this and it would be super upsetting if my work was stolen. If you see any of my works on other profiles or sites, please let me know.

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