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SMG4: So...that's the end of waluigi then.

Mario: Indeed. I won't lie, things have been intense lately.

Meggy: We should all be glad that waluigi is gone...but...tari...

Meggy let a few tears escape and go down her face, mario saw this and hugged her.

Mario: Meggy, don't cry. Tari wouldn't want that, i'm sure shes really happy that the world is saved.

Meggy cheered up a bit.

Meggy: Thank you mario...

Mario pulled meggy in for a long kiss, they closed their eyes, during which, SMG4 was throwing up in a bucket.

Meggy: I think we should go out for a while, we need to spend some time together.

Mario: Yes, due to waluigi's terror, we haven't been able to do much.

SMG4: See ya guys later. I'm going to continue making memes.

Mario and meggy walked out the door, there was a slight amount of rain.

Mario: How about we head to the park?

Meggy: I'd like that.

Mario and meggy held hands, they began walking towards the park, which was being repaired from a few damages caused by waluigi.

Mario: I can't believe he caused so much despair and misery.

Meggy: All over not being invited to smash? It's quite childish.

Mario: It is indeed. But we should be thankful that he's gone.

Mario and meggy sat down on the grass, the clouds began clearing out.

Mario: Just a question, what was it like being t-posed?

Meggy: It was awful, not being able to control my own body was extremely freaky, and all i could do was try and call for help. Nothing at all happened. I was trapped.

Mario hugged meggy again.

Mario: I'll protect you no matter what, meggy. Whatever situation we're in.

Meggy smiled.

Meggy: Thanks, mario.

The two stared at the sky, the clouds had fully cleared out, and the sun began shining bright.

Meggy: I'm happy that everything is back to normal. No more t-pose, no more waluigi, no more destruction.

Mario: I'm happy as well, but the mushroom kingdom is going to take a while to repair, we'll need to help out.

Meggy: We will.

Mario: I love you meggy.

Meggy: I love you too.

The two shared another kiss, as the mushroom kingdom began to spring back to life.

(I hope you liked this short, alternate ending of the waluigi arc!)

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