babies *>.<*

470 17 6

somsomi = jeon somi
chunghahaha = chungha
gugujeong = se jeong
sohyeissaso-so = sohye
doyeonini = doyeon
chaechae = jung chaeyeon
yoojungiee = yoojung
kyulkyung_ = kyulkyung
minabanana = mina
limnayoung = nayoung
yeonjunggg = yeon jung

puppyniell = kang daniel
winkboy = jihoon
h.minhyun = minhyun
ongmygod! = seong wu
h.sungwoon = sungwoon
smallhead = jinyoung
pbjae = jae hwan
leehwi = daehwi
jisung.mama = jisung
taiwanboii = kuanlin

tallbean_ : wonyoung
nakonikoni : nako
sakuramon : sakura
babyducky : yena
yurii : yuri
hamstermi : hitomi
hyewonie : hyewon
yujiniepabo : yujin
k.eunbi : eunbi
macarwon : chaewon
minjuNkfood : minju
kween.chae : lee chaeyeon


puppyniell added tallbean_ , nakonikoni , sakuramon , kween.chae , babyducky , macarwon , k.eunbi , minjuNkfood , yujiniepabo , hyewonie , hamstermi , yurii to produce fam

chunghahaha : what did we say about adding random people into this group ?

k.eunbi : ahhh ! it's chungha sunbaemin ^.^ hello , we are iz*one !! I'm the leader , incharge of those bunch of dodo heads ^_^

small head : i like the way she talks , I'm keeping her.

somsomi : how did kangdan even get their numbers ?

puppyniell : sakura plays computer games with me and jihoon

sakuramon : ✌🏼

tallbean_ : I'm still the youngest , woohoo !!

taiwanboii : welcome to the maknae squad :))

somsomi : yeapyeap

nakonikoni : ( in japanese ) omo , so many korean sunbaes :o

hamstermi : ( in japanese ) I'm scared too :|

kween.chae : ( in japanese ) don't worry , they're not monsters

jisung.mama : ???

h.minhyun : they're scared of all of you crackheads.

minabanana : oof

ongmygod : double oof

gugujeong : there's no need to be scared of us , think of us as your daddies and mommies. and you are our babies.

babyducky : we have a giant baby in iz*one

tallbean_ : NO DON'T EXPOSE ME

minjuNkfood : our baby is 169.2cm tall :<

h.sungwoon : I'm going to excuse myself and cry in my room.

yoojungiee : I'll cry too o(╥﹏╥)o

nakonikoni : TT , I found people that understand my pain

tallbean_ : @babyducky @minjuNkfood , y'all mean :< you made them cry

doyeonini : they're just jelly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

taiwanboii : true

h.minhyun : yup ^^

jisung.mama : y'all kids still up ? it's midnight for heaven's sake !!

k.eunbi : you have no idea how long i've been getting those immature freaks to sleep.

tallbean_ : bleh

babyducky : 😝

taiwanboii : 😈

jisung.mama : okayokay , y'all continue with your childish talk tomorrow. let the babies sleep , geez.

limnayoung : finally. my phone has been buzzing all night TT

so , how's the first chapter ? leave comments & vote ❤^ω^

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