chapter - gardenia

59 3 11

The Outstanding Brother

I can't believe I'm saying this.

I'm getting the hang of photography.

But in all honesty, it's still very time consuming and exhausting. I'd rather make it my hobby than to take forced photos that I don't even like.

Oh and I didn't forget about the culprit who led me into all this. I've been spending my fine days trying to find the person and I've got some evidences.

I finally gained courage to talk to almost every person that studied in the college which also got me into trouble but I easily slipped out because the teachers grew tired of me.

According to the crushed soda cans in my college, the culprit:
1) Is super plump
2) Has dark brown/black hair
3) Has a weird moustache
4) Wore beige coloured suit
5) Has that weird dad aura

At least this is what the majority said to me. Now all I have to do is ask my whole neighbourhood, my relatives, my ancestors about this person, torture them because karma, and I'll be done.

But today is my leisure day, I'll be sitting down in my room all day, spam the group with memes, sort out my photo album maybe, read some novels that I still haven't finished, wat-



I got up from my bed and lazily walked towards my imbecile brother's room, he was playing some video game I didn't bother to check because I have other priorities.

And he doesn't even play quality games.

"Bark, you dummy." I leant against the door frame.

"We'll be going out in a few minutes." His eyes were fully on the screen where he controlled his character to kill enemies that looked like roaches. Seriously, what game is that?

"Don't wear something too simple."

Knowing my brother, I bet he wants to grab some drink and food using the cold weather as his excuse but I don't understand why I need to wear formal clothes. Do I even have something that can be titled as "beyond simple"?

"Why?" Was all I could ask.

"We're going out."

His incomplete details made me sigh. I walked back to my room, I knew I wasn't gonna get anymore information from him, so why waste my time?

I decided to use my time judiciously and started rummaging through my closet, it must be an important occasion because B/N never specially reminds me to wear something fancy.


"Where are we going?"

I couldn't keep my excitement in. This brought back so many memories, back when we both would venture out of the house sneakily. We'd return home with a lot candies, a long lecture and scolding would be ready to be served my mum. But it was all worth the anger.

It all started coming to an end when we both got into high schools because of burden. Mum's scoldings became warnings, warnings became well wishings. And then, it just stopped...
Of course, none of us complained because we both were there by each other's side but we both knew the few hours that we'd spend together as siblings held a lot of meaning and love behind it and we both were secretly very gloomy about it ending abruptly.

"What fun will it be if I tell you?" He kept dragging me along his side.

I pouted, but still kept quiet knowing that I'll figure it out eventually.

The Photographer/Flowers | K.NJ x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now