❤️ 1: Any Other Day ❤️

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"Hey, Little Miss Prick!" Stephanie slid into the bleacher beside me, clicking her lip gloss shut. I looked down, and she raised an eyebrow. "Are you listening?" I looked up at her and nodded my head slowly, "Why are you sitting here?" Stephanie sighed, "To hand you a task, stupid. Why else would I be sitting with YOU ?" I had no choice but to agree."What do you want to set me up on now?" She flipped her blond curls behind her shoulder, typing on her glittery phone. "I need you to tell your brother, Landon on a note to meet me at the Pep Rally after lunch A is over. Make sure it sounds like the note is from me!" I rolled my eyes and dragged out a sticky note. "Yes, your highness." She stuck her perfectly manicured finger in my face. "Listen, Lexi, I don't know who you think you are talking to. I am the head of Student Council! Now, stop sassing me and get to work!" She walked off, her high heels clicking against the ground at every step. "My brother..." I mumbled underneath my breath.

Suddenly, I turned the other way to see the boy on the other side of me frowning. "Why would you let that douche do such things to you? You know, if you're not comfortable with things, you can just say NO." I shook my head, "I guess you're right, I'm just not all that confident." The boy then smiled, taking the cap off of his head. "I'm Bryce, and you are?" His bright beam kind of gave me the flutters... "I am Lexi, Lexi Walsh." He dragged out his camera, "It's nice to meet you, Lexi." This was my chance to actually make a friend. "Hey, want to come to my place this evening?" Right after i spilled, i had second thoughts. Too fast, hold up. "But it's okay if you don't." He chuckled, "Are you kidding me? I have been needing a friend, of course!" I smiled slightly, "Meet me at this address." I gave him a note, and then we talked away about how he was going to be a journalist some day. Odd, i know, he just had that cute, nerdy attitude i could never get enough of.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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