Christmas Day

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By the time Delphi finished shopping for decorations she was about ready to collapse on the couch. But Kitty had texted and said they would be home within the hour, so she had to hurry up with the decorating. She hung garland on the stair's banister, hung mistletoe in thresholds and put up snowflakes and little Christmas-y figures on flat surfaces. Delphi stuck a bunch of candy canes in a glass bowl on the coffee table and then put up the small Christmas tree she'd gotten. It wasn't the most amazing Christmas tree Delphi had ever had but it would do. She hung ornaments and lights and then stepped back to admire her work. It felt so much more cozy and warm in there now. So much more Christmas-y.

And right on time too.

Just then the front door flew open and Riley, Blizzard and Kitty rushed in. Kitty laughed as they all entered and set down their bags of stuff on the couches. All three of them stopped though when they got a good look at the house. Delphi beamed with pride, hands on hips. "What do you think?"

"It looks... amazing," Riley said, flashing her a small smile.

Delphi grinned back as he came over and pecked her on the forehead. "You did great."

"It's definitely decorated for Christmas..." Blizzard trailed off, rubbing his neck.

Kitty grinned, flopping down onto the couch and grabbing a candy cane. "Well I love it. Nice going Delph."

"Thanks! Who wants hot coco?"

Everyone raised their hands and Delphi headed into the kitchen with Riley whole Blizzard and Kitty went to put the wrapped presents under the tree.

"Honestly Delph, you did a great job. I haven't celebrated Christmas in... years," Riley said, a sad smile on his lips as he got the milk out. "Not since I left my family."

Delphi stopped from getting the mugs and faced him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. She couldn't imagine what that must have been like. His father had hated Supers and hated him for his wings. One day he threatened to rip Riley's wings off and Riley ran away to protect himself. Tremble found him and took him in. Delphi just couldn't imagine not having any Christmas traditions or memories for so long.

She touched his arm. "Well I'm honored that your spending your first Christmas in years with me."

He grinned and leaned forward kissing her. Effectively stealing her breath away. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Delphi kissed him back and then grabbed the rest of the mugs while he heated up the milk on the stove. Once the hot chocolate was made they all sat in the living room - even Blizzard - and Delphi turned on all her favorite Christmas movies. Half way through Elf, Techno showed up claiming they had forgotten about him and said Spy and Tremble were too busy for festivities. No one minded though.

Riley and her snuggled on the couch, eating popcorn and drinking hot coco. It was the best Christmas Eve she'd had since her parents and brother were sent to prison.

They must have fallen asleep because when they woke up next, it was morning. Christmas morning was even better. Kitty made breakfast - Delphi had no idea she knew how to cook - and once they all ate together they exchanged gifts. Delphi was surprised when Tremble came in... wearing the same clothes and mask he always wore, and though he didn't have presents he did sit on the couch and watch everyone exchange gifts. Only Riley and Blizzard had thought to get the clad in all black villain something. Blizzard jokingly got him a black sweater and Riley had gotten him new gloves.

An hour later, with wrapping paper strewn on the floor Delphi sat with Riley on the couch admiring the charm bracelet he'd gotten her. Kitty and Tech were laughing in the kitchen and Blizzard and Tremble had stepped outside to talk.

"Thank you, Delphi," Riley murmured, his arm around her shoulders.

Delphi craned her neck up from where her head rested on his shoulder. "For what?"

He grinned down at her. "For giving me a perfect Christmas."

Delphi smiled back and kissed him. "I hope we have many more Christmas's together."

"We will, I promise. We'll beat the Shadows, and everything will settle down and we'll have many more Christmas's to come," Riley assured her.

"I hope so..." she trailed off. But she decided not to dwell on what could be. She wanted to be here right now in the present. With Riley, her boyfriend and her friends having a nice quiet Christmas Day. They would have today to celebrate and be together and then tomorrow they would go back to their fight against the Shadows and Delphi would make sure the Shadows Lost. She would do anything to make sure she had more days like today. 

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