Chapter 7~~Merida's POV

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"What a terrible day! Why do I have to be so shy? I have this huge crush on someone and can't even talk to them! Oh my gosh someone's coming, wait is that? It is! It's ok Merida act natural." I thought to my self as Hiccup walks over.

"Hey, Mer, so I wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime."

I just stare at Hiccup shyly yet shocked.

" What's wrong, Me--...." His face turns red, "you.. you don't like me do you?"

"OH, Hiccup, I'm so sor--"

"Don't worry it's cool, whatever, nevermind, it's just... it was going to be a group thing anyway... well I gotta go."

"Awkward" I thought.


After class I really wanted to talk to some about what just happened, surprisingly, and I knew just who to talk to.

"Hey, P-P-Punzie, can we talk...."

"Oh ya! of course!"


So I explain what happened and she really helped me through it, I knew she could help me!

As we say by the lockers I knew that I made a good decision asking her to help me. She's just

I leaned in real quick and kissed her, like I've always wanting to since the first day I met her. I wondered want she was thinking, but she didn't respond so I tried to kiss her again... but se backed away. I was disappointed even though I expected this would happen. "Ugh, I'm so stupid when did I do that!" I thought. I could tell she knew how stupid I felt, so she pulled me into the janitor's closet probably to talk to me, but I wish it was more.

"Hey, listen don't be embarrassed."

"Really, that's all you can say I just kissed you in front of most of the school and you don't even like me!" I say as loudly as I've ever said before.

"It's not that, I'm just... well I'm kind if dating Jack right now..."

"Oh! Of course! Why didn't j think about that? of course someone as popular and gorgeous as you is dating someone!"

"It's ok really."

Then she leaves, but when I look through the door I see people giving her awkward stares, I wondered if they thought we were doing something else.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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